Urea-lly Fell For It? UroCoin Disappears Down the Drain

Urea-lly Fell For It? UroCoin Disappears Down the Drain

THELOGICALINDIAN - Two years afterwards the founders ofUroCoinstated one of their bill would according the amount of one metric tonne of urea the absolute operation seems to accept disappeared

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UroCoin: Predictable Dysfunction

urocoinUroCoin, which allegedly approved to acquaint get-rich-quick crypto to the urea bazaar and advice disadvantaged farmers in the process, no best alike has a website.

“We accept already responded to abounding apocryphal accusations and will not decay admired time responding further,” co-founder Bohan Huang gushed in one of his now-infamous interviews in summer 2014. “We are actuality to beforehand Uro.”

At the time, UroCoin’s market cap was at an best aerial of $4.39 million. Today, it is $45,834, accepting languished debilitated at about that amount for the accomplished year.

Unsurprisingly, Huang’s “responses” accept now anhydrous up altogether, forth with his promised “advances.”

The arrangement had its critics from the outset, with Huang and adolescent co-founder Nilesh Nair publishing assorted forms of “proof” of angary and beating away accusations in interviews.

A counter-case was boring researched and produced on Bitcointalk, bearing affirmation which, clashing larger-scale affected scams such as OneCoin, were met with little dispute.

The Bitcointalk actual highlighted that Nair had been declared bankrupt, that Huang was 5.6BTC in debt on BTCJAM abandoned (currently 4.06BTC), and that the brace had systematically aria about the history and attributes of their assorted supposedly-registered entities.

All Fooled

Nonetheless, conceivably through carelessness rather than naivety, CNBC was still advocating UroCoin as a accepted alms as backward as April 2015, back the coin’s amount and bazaar cap had continued back crashed.

More recently, Twitter activity hinted the arrangement was set to be revived, commentaries about suggesting its above arrangement of “supporters” could be attempting to accretion some final profits from what was never a absolute venture.

“For amplification to a greater community, we accept the columnist and the absolute association would comedy a big role in agreement of both accepting the chat out and award new means to advance Uro,” Huang already stated. “In agreement of accepting added buyers and traders in the bolt area involved, it is a slow, advancing action that is actuality done every week.”

The aftermost tweet from the Uro Foundation was fabricated in February 2015, and its block explorer, appear a ages previously, abiding an error message on BlockCypher.


Currently, Urocoin’s “website” as listed on Coincap.io directs to the r/Uro subreddit, area barrage announcements from 2014 accept become alloyed with urology discussions and a more-than-fitting complaint by a user adversity from a burst penis.

What do you anticipate about the activity and times of Urocoin? Let us apperceive in the comments area below!

Images address of reddit.com, hanyazilim.com, Twitter