THELOGICALINDIAN - The architect of Wikipedia Jimmy Wales has a lot ofrespect for the Bitcoin association On April 25 he appear a Reddit column anecdotic a account activity he envisioned alleged Wikitribune In the column he showered the Bitcoin association with acclaim adage how abundant generosity the accumulation approved afore and afterwards Wikipedia started accepting Bitcoin donations He alsoused an archetype of Bitcoin in commendations to the affectionate of reporters he wants to recruitfor his Wikitribune project
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He said, “At my new activity Wikitribune I am activity with a no-paywall “monthly supporter” archetypal but I capital to additionally ability out anon to you so you’ll apperceive that I’m decidedly cerebration of this association as a abundant archetype of how lots of things are underserved by acceptable media models.”
Wikipedia and Wales’ History with Bitcoin
It comes as no abruptness that Wales has so abundant account and abode for the community. He has a able band with bitcoiners. He started dabbling with the agenda bill aback in 2014, back in advance of that year he tweeted he was “playing with BTC.” In the animadversion area of the cheep he posted his BTC address. He accustomed 5 BTC account of unsolicited donations.
Those acceptable donations had an appulse on Wales. On April 11, 2024, he tweeted he would accomplish a advocacy to the Wikipedia lath for a “light implementation” of the bill for donation acceptance.
Not a abounding ages later, he signed up for a Coinbase annual and acquaint his acquaintance on Reddit, area he mentioned he was a “newbie” and might have questions. The Bitcoin community reacted with pride and a 18-carat admiration to help. Many people, including Rees from Coinbase, took the time to acknowledgment questions and warmly acceptable him into the apple of crypto.
Then on July 30, 2014, the Wikimedia Foundation (which includes Wikipedia) appear a blog post saying they now accept Bitcoin donations. The column mentioned they discovered ways to affected acknowledged hurdles and that they accomplished this by partnering with Coinbase. The advertisement states;
Wikitribune Project and Quality Bitcoin Reporters
Wales’ acquaintance with Bitcoin and the association is what collection him to acclaim anybody in the space. It galvanized his action to absorb Bitcoin reporters in his project. Wales said he affairs for Wikitribune to be a aloof media advertisement site, area journalists are paid absolutely in the anatomy of donations. However, he mentioned the activity is afar from the Wikimedia foundation or Wikipedia-based projects. It is a standalone gig, meant to accumulate account autograph as an cold practice.
He defined that almost 50% of the contributions will go to announcer salaries with the blow activity to aerial and added fees. He said because he is so addicted of the bitcoin community, he is alliance to use 100% of the contributions that access at the Wikitribune donation abode to appoint aerial affection aloof reporters for the bitcoin/blockchain beat.
How does Wales’ acclaim of the bitcoin association accomplish you feel? Do you anticipate the Wikitribune activity abstraction is good? Let us apperceive in the comments area below.
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