Is Spotify Looking to Add Crypto as Payment Method? This Job Offer Suggests It
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Is Spotify Looking to Add Crypto as Payment Method? This Job Offer Suggests It

THELOGICALINDIAN - Music and podcast alive account Spotify acquaint a job action that woke up absorption in the crypto association as its accompanying to acknowledging cryptocurrencies for payments on the music belvedere potentially

Spotify Is Treading Crypto Waters With a New Job Listing

According to the job advertisement published on the aptitude accretion belvedere Lever, the aggregation is attractive for an “Associate Director, Payments Strategy & Innovation” who is accepted to accompany in new acquittal strategies.

The description of the job role, based in their London offices, details:

The music alive account behemothic explains that the administrator should attending for new opportunities in the “emerging ecosystem” of broadcast balance technology (DLT), blockchains, cryptocurrencies, stablecoins, axial coffer agenda currencies (CBDCs), and added agenda assets.

Interestingly, Spotify stresses the company’s charge to advance their assurance in the “day-to-day” with the Libra Association.

Other alive casework accept been assuming an accretion absorption in cryptocurrencies, such as Twitch, as the live-streaming aggregation has encouraged bodies during 2020 to pay their cable via crypto by alms appropriate discounts.

The belvedere currently uses an Atlanta-based crypto firm, Bitpay, which allows payments in bitcoin (BTC), bitcoin banknote (BCH), ethereum (ETH), four USD-pegged stablecoins (GUSD, USDC, PAX, and BUSD), and ripple (XRP).

What are your thoughts on Spotify’s crypto-related job offer? Let us apperceive in the comments area below.

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