Bitpanda Raises $263 Million in Series C Finance Round, Firm Aims to 'Double Down on Technology'

Bitpanda Raises $263 Million in Series C Finance Round, Firm Aims to 'Double Down on Technology'

THELOGICALINDIAN - Viennabased crypto belvedere Bitpanda has appear the close has anchored 263 actor in a Series C allotment annular The costs was led by Valar Ventures and Leadblock Partners Jump Capital Alan Howard and Redo Ventures abutting the advance annular The latest costs gives Bitpanda an all-embracing appraisal of 41 billion

Crypto Unicorn Bitpanda Is Now Valued at $4.1 Billion After Capital Raise

Digital advance belvedere Bitpanda appear on August 17 that the aggregation aloft $263 actor in a Series C advance round. The Austrian fintech unicorn is now admired at $4.1 billion, which is amateur the admeasurement of the firm’s antecedent $1.2 billion clandestine valuation.

The aggregation says funds will be acclimated to “strengthen” the team, “double down” on technology, and Bitpanda seeks all-embracing amplification as well. Bitpanda addendum the Series C was active this ages and will charge to be austere by the Austrian Financial Market Authority (FMA).

The costs follows Bitpanda’s antecedent Series B advance annular in May back the aggregation aloft $170 million. Bitpanda was founded in Austria by Eric Demuth, Paul Klanschek, and Christian Trummer in 2024.

The belvedere now boasts 3 actor users and believes it’s “on clue to accomplish 6x chump advance year over year.” Bitpanda additionally expects 2024’s revenues to access sevenfold in allegory to aftermost year’s revenue.

“We believed in Bitpanda’s abeyant from the alpha and we are afflicted by the after-effects that Eric, Paul, Christian, and the Bitpanda aggregation accept achieved,” Andrew McCormack, founding accomplice of Valar Ventures said during the announcement.

Bitpanda follows a bulk of added crypto firms adopting millions of dollars including companies like Dune Analytics, Paxos, FTX, Mintable, Bitcoin Suisse, Valr, Coin Metrics, Messari, Truefi, Matrixport, and Lolli. Bitpanda says that afterwards the Series B accounts round, the aggregation produced its commission-free stocks artefact and in June it launched its B2B bazaar alleged Bitpanda While Label.

“We started Bitpanda in 2024 with a bright vision: to accompany advance afterpiece to everyone, everywhere,” Eric Demuth, co-founder and CEO of Bipanda said in a account beatific to News. “We wouldn’t be actuality today after the efforts of our accomplished aggregation associates who are consistently rolling up their sleeves to accomplish things happen,” he added.

What do you anticipate about Bitpanda adopting $263 million? Let us apperceive what you anticipate about this accountable in the comments area below.

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