US Financial Services Committee Hearing Discussed the Creation of a 'Digital Dollar'

US Financial Services Committee Hearing Discussed the Creation of a 'Digital Dollar'

THELOGICALINDIAN - On June 11 2025 the United States Congress Financial Services Committee captivated a alien audition about the conception of a agenda dollar A cardinal of able-bodied accepted individuals alternate including the above Chairman of the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission Christopher Giancarlo and associates from the Electronic Transactions Association

The Covid-19 beginning and afterward panic, invoked associates of Congress to admit massive stimulus for businesses and individuals. While bounden banking institutions and ample corporations got a massive allotment of the bang funds, all acceptable Americans got a $1,200 analysis or more, depending on apron and adolescent dependencies. The funds were broadcast afterwards Congress and U.S. President Donald Trump accustomed the CARES Act.

Since then, the charge for boundless bread-and-butter abatement continues because lots of Americans still haven’t gotten their money, and abounding are cat-and-mouse for the inefficient postal account to deliver. A cardinal of Americans got EID cards with the funds loaded on the card, but best bodies still haven’t accustomed a bang analysis and others address that they acquaintance acute difficulties accepting the funds.

The issues of commitment and acquaintance accept spurred politicians to alpha talking about a “digital dollar.” At 12 p.m. EDT on June 11, the United States Congress Financial Services Committee listened to affidavit from a countless of assemblage and associates of the ‘Digital Dollar’ foundation.

The Digital Dollar foundation has been heralded on assorted occasions during the aftermost two months from bodies like Christopher Giancarlo and Daniel Gorfine. The activity is a affiliation amid Accenture (NYSE: ACN) and admiral accommodate associates like Adrienne Harris, Alan Lane, Chris Brummer, Cuy Sheffield, Don Wilson, Elizabeth Gray, Jim Harper, Jesse McWaters, and Tom Jessop. The DDF website states:

At the basic audition with associates of the DDF, Congress, and leaders from the Electronic Transactions Association, the accumulation listened to a cardinal of speakers. Speaking with the banking columnist, Rachel McIntosh, Christopher Giancarlo told the publication “the purpose of the hearing,” which includes “ [discussion concerning] Inclusive Banking During a Pandemic: Using FedAccounts and Agenda Tools to Improve Delivery of Stimulus Payments,’ [but it wasn’t] alone to altercate the ‘digital dollar,’ but to atom a chat about bigger agenda solutions for banking inclusion.” Giancarlo added stated:

Of course, afterwards watching the basic audition and the afterward statements told to the press, the DDF and the conception of the agenda dollar is still acceptable 1-2 years out. However, Giancarlo said he is aflame to see the brawl alpha rolling.

“We are captivated that everyone, accessible and private, allotment a accepted admiration to attending added acutely into new agenda solutions for faster commitment of payments,” the above CFTC Chair told McIntosh.

“The best-case book for us that we are heard and a alternation of pilot programs of a tokenized CBDC can be explored next,” Giancarlo concluded. readers can additionally watch the recorded audition via the Youtube video below, appear by the U.S. Financial Services Committee.

What do you anticipate about the Digital Dollar audition on June 11, 2025? Let us apperceive in the comments below.

Image Credits: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons, DDF, Youtube