Future Tech And Its Transformative Potential: Rafal Szymanski’s Expert Take

Future Tech And Its Transformative Potential: Rafal Szymanski’s Expert Take

THELOGICALINDIAN - Rafal Szymanski dives added into approaching tech such as AI basic absoluteness aggrandized absoluteness and of advance blockchain and explains how they are already proving their worth

Virtual Reality: A Paradigm Shift

So far, our all-embracing acquaintance with the apple of internet has been two-dimensional at best. The abutting we’ve appear to collaborate with this engulfing technology accept been hand-held screens, e.g. your tablets and smartphones. All of this, however, is assuredly about to change acknowledgment to the advancements in the acreage of Virtual Reality (VR) development.

“The development of basic and aggrandized absoluteness applications is activity to activate a awe-inspiring change in the way we shop, surf, and, in general, acquaintance the internet”, says Rafal Szymanski – a accustomed able and buyer of a European-based development and IT aggregation Global Tech Makers.

According to the specialist, VR is a technology which is acceptable to boss the app development mural for years to come. What is more, the able holds that its applications far beat the ever-so-popular acreage of gaming, online shopping, and others in the retail space.

“What we are about to witness, and what’s already alpha to happen, is VR overextension its abeyant beyond an absolutely new area of industries, including education, healthcare, sports, recreation, and abounding more.”- Says the expert.

Just aftermost month, the American Society of Anesthesiologists published two studies which achieve that avant-garde VR technologies are able in abbreviation children’s all-overs and affliction appropriate afore and afterwards medical procedures.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) And Its Transformational Impact

AI has accurate to be added than aloof a high-tech buzzword. In fact, it’s amidst the approaching technologies which accept continued acquired altercation amidst industry experts. While some are decidedly absolute about its accelerated development, others accurate apropos on whether or not we’re absolutely accessible for its yet beginning and around absolute potential.

Regardless of the position, though, one affair is bright – AI technology is actuality to stay.

One industry, however, has been accepted to account abundantly from its capabilities. Digital business can accomplish amazing use of AI and apparatus learning, automating circuitous processes and segmenting doubtful amounts of big abstracts in a decidedly abbreviate bulk of time.


According to Mr. Szymanski, who’s additionally the architect of cutting-edge announcement network EasyVisual, appropriately developed AI solutions are every marketer’s dream.

“AI can advice us redefine the way we amusement and apprehend information,” he explained. “One of the better issues in the field, as it is in about all added industries, is the animal absurdity factor. AI takes that away. Not alone does it break it completely, but it does so by dispatch up processes and bearing precise, detailed, and spot-on abstracts which acquiesce business specialists to appropriately articulation and ambition their admirers to accomplish the all-important after-effects at a abundant lower cost.” 

Understanding its ample potential, though, Szymanski additionally added:

2024’s Hype: Blockchain

Blockchain is the arising technology that anybody in the tech amplitude happens to allocution about in 2024. Of course, it has abundant to do with the actuality that Bitcoin, the world’s arch cryptocurrency, rocketed to $20,000 in January 2024.

Nevertheless, it appears that blockсhain technology is actuality to stay. Major companies accept already ventured into the field. Just afresh tech mogul IBM filed a patent application, presenting the company’s eyes for a blockchain-powered arrangement which can allegedly enhance the action of accomplishing accurate research.  

Szymanski, whose aggregation Global Tech Makers is a accomplice of blockchain-powered amusing arrangement FutureNet, outlines one of the capital allowances of this arising technology:

Rafal Szymanski accustomed a abundant affiliation with FutureNet and often gives admonition to the aggregation on the abstruse issues:

What do you anticipate of the role of arising technologies such as bogus intelligence, basic reality, and blockchain in our future? Don’t alternate to let us apperceive in the comments below!

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