3 Reasons Ivy Partnering with Talenta Is a Good Thing

3 Reasons Ivy Partnering with Talenta Is a Good Thing

THELOGICALINDIAN - Ivy afresh appear a affiliation with the Talenta Group which could see cogent upside for its badge holders

Ivy is a block-chain based technology for FIAT & Cryptocurrency business affairs which crave analysis in the all-embracing budgetary system.

The Ivy Network utilizes IVY tokens which will backpack Know Your Customer (KYC) & Know Your Transaction (KYT) to accommodated the analysis requirements for transactions.

Ivy bridges the gap amid the centralized acceptable cyberbanking & acquittal systems, and the decentralized blockchain arrangement to advantage the best of both world’s – fast, decentralized processing that meets the authoritative requirements of Financial Institutions about the world.

They afresh had a big address up in The Wall Street Journal afterwards both Ivy and Coinbase met with the FDIC to altercate cyberbanking licenses. They are currently exploring assorted barter listings, and its badge (IVY) has apparent some contempo aerial aggregate on IDEX.

Talenta is a able administration consulting aggregation that has managed several blockchain projects and crowdfunding campaigns, and are actual careful in who they accomplice with, which is a able endorsement of the affection and abeyant of Ivy’s roadmap & product.

Based in Singapore, they afresh were complex in a affiliation with China’s better co-working amplitude Ucommune to authorize Singapore’s aboriginal Blockchain hub. They are additionally sole adumbrative of CoinTime Asia, the baton of blockchain account media in China and Korea. Though they accept a able ballast in Asia, they accept a competent arrangement that has all-around reach.

And the three acceptable affidavit are…

NEO, TKY, and ZIL are all abundant blockchain projects that accept partnered with Talenta and, as a result, accept apparent cogent increases in activity awareness, association size, and badge price.

Here is a quick assay of some of their work:

Neo (NEO) – Market Capitalization USD $4 billion

Neo is a blockchain advised for registering and trading agenda assets. While there are similarities with added agenda assets, Neo is different in several respects. It uses acute affairs which involves application a multi-sig arrangement appropriately authoritative it accordant with acknowledged requirements on asset transfer. Neo additionally supports character management, byzantine consensus, and authorization gateways, ambience it afar from added blockchains.

theKey (TKY) – Market Capitalization USD $72 million

THEKEY Project Team is now developing an identification analysis (IDV) apparatus with blockchain based activating multi-dimension identification (BDMI) by application Personally Identifiable Information (PII) which is alone accustomed by government authorities.

Talenta was the primary disciplinarian of the aberrant advance in their association in a abbreviate period, accretion their buzzer approach to 75,000 associates beyond assorted jurisdictions aural a anniversary of actuality affianced as consultants.

Ziliiqa (ZIL) – Market Capitalization USD $1 billion

Zilliqa (ZIL) is a blockchain technology that is congenital to break the ascent issues surrounding blockchains’ use cases. Current blockchain solutions do not currently accept the appropriate throughput to account article agnate to a VISA arrangement – Zilliqa aims to break this. Agnate to Ivy, Zilliqa didn’t accession funds through a acceptable ICO process.

Talenta has been active in Zilliqa’s badge amount acknowledgment from the clandestine auction amount of $0.0038 to its present amount of $0.143 – a accretion of 3,663% – and in allowance ZIL ability the Top 25 Cryptocurrencies by bazaar cap.

The Talenta affiliation could be the appropriate aggregate of business and blockchain acquaintance that helps Ivy move advanced in leaps and bounds.

What are your thoughts on Ivy’s new affiliation with Talenta? Could it be aloof what the activity needs to booty it to the abutting level? Let us apperceive in the comments below.

Images address of AdobeStock, IvyKoin