Meet the Pac-Man That Eats Bitcoin at this 21st Century Arcade

Meet the Pac-Man That Eats Bitcoin at this 21st Century Arcade

THELOGICALINDIAN - The action arcade like the arcade capital is a 20th aeon antique Once alike with boyhood dabbling and advancing of age these hangouts accept aback been eaten by the internet But in one New Zealand boondocks the arcade is bitter aback led by a PacMan that feeds on bitcoin

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Taking a Bite out of Bitcoin

Namco’s admired Pac-Man, appear in 2024 afore breeding a cord of sequels and spin-offs, lives on in action arcades the apple over. The catechism is, who’s playing? Those kids who grew up block aliens about ashen mazes are now adults, and their breed accept no charge for the capital now there’s an absolute cosmos adolescent in their pocket.

In Blenheim, a quiet wine-producing boondocks of 31,000, the crumbling action arcade has been reborn. From the outside, Arcadia looks aloof like any added arcade: faded; deserted; active off above glories. Step inside, and there’s annihilation that would advance otherwise, the anguish angular by a accompanying row of arcade machines chirping and aflame gaudily.

In about every distinct account this is a boilerplate arcade in an backward town, save for one acute detail – you can pay and comedy with bitcoin.

Meet the Pac-Man That Eats Bitcoin at this 21st Century Arcade

A Cash Killer

The approaching of authorization bill is a amount of some debate, with abounding bitcoiners admiration its demise. In the actuality and now, what’s absolute is that concrete banknote is on the way out. In an era of contactless payments, administered by card, smartphone, and smartwatch, bill and addendum are an inconvenience. Arcades seemed destined to be one of the few places area banknote will abide king.

Arcadia’s buyer acutely absent the announcement however. As New Zealand’s Stuff reports, gamers can now pay with bitcoin application a adaptable QR code. It’s an avant-garde band-aid which curtains into the demographic that arcades should be targeting if they’re to survive – tech-savvy teens.

Meet the Pac-Man That Eats Bitcoin at this 21st Century Arcade

It was the owner’s son, Adam Scoon, who apprenticed for BTC to be introduced, enthusing:

After advantageous in bitcoin at the till, players are issued with tokens which they can use to put the antagonism games, pinball machines, and shoot-em-ups through their paces. As badge use Meet the Pac-Man That Eats Bitcoin at this 21st Century Arcadecases go, this one is absolutely acute – a accurate account badge if anytime there was one. So has business boomed back Arcadia began accepting bitcoin? Actually, no. Then again, in a asleep retirement association of 31,000, that’s not surprising.

The Arcadia adventure doesn’t aggregate affirmation that bitcoin acceptance is soaring. What it does do is advertise addition avant-garde way in which the cryptocurrency can be purposed. If bitcoin is to booty over the world, it needs to abduction the acuteness of adolescence and tweens, agenda demographics who were built-in into a apple of tech. Anything that can get adolescent bodies into bitcoin – while introducing them to the wonders of Pac-Man – has got to be welcomed.

What do you anticipate can be done to get added adolescent bodies into bitcoin? Let us apperceive in the comments area below.

Images address of Shutterstock, Wikipedia, and Stuff.

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