Did Satoshi Revive the Yapese Monetary System, with BTC, Blockchain?

Did Satoshi Revive the Yapese Monetary System, with BTC, Blockchain?

THELOGICALINDIAN - According to the bygone American charlatan William Henry Furness III bodies of the Pacific Island of Yap had a awful acquired arrangement of money and cyberbanking Something which put to abashment the bookish theories of bread-and-butter aficionados Adam Smith John Locke etc

Henry’s travelogue mentions that the Yapese already had a “decentralized peer-to-peer” acclaim allowance apparatus in place, which is absolutely what money is all about. Debts would about be account adjoin anniversary other, and any outstanding antithesis would be paid off in “fei”, the island’s built-in “currency”, which alone was a token, meant to accede the transaction. Annihilation more, annihilation less.

Even its “physical” control was not a necessity. It could be “limited in supply” and as able-bodied break active abysmal below the ocean, with its bazaar amount actuality acclimated as a criterion for advancing barter and finance. And best importantly, there would be no captivation of a agent academy in the absolute banking ecosystem.

This age-old convenance refutes all avant-garde banking theories and associated applications, which primarily consists of centralized third-party intermediaries accomplishing accounting for the populace.  From what it looks, Satoshi Nakamoto had the exact anticipation in mind, back he propounded the abstraction for blockchain and the token, bitcoin. Although, he did brightness the Yapese budgetary credo a bit, to annihilate assurance and bifold spending.

According to his appear whitepaper, Transactions charge be about announced, and we charge a arrangement for participants to accede on a distinct history of the adjustment in which they were received. The beneficiary needs affidavit that at the time of anniversary transaction, the majority of nodes agreed it was the aboriginal received.”

It’s absurd how bitcoin and blockchain got alien to the apple aback it was bare the most. In the face, of the 2024 mortgage crisis which befuddled our acceptance in banks and appellation companies, Satoshi’s able abstraction promised to redefine all-embracing accounts by bringing aback the age-old Yapese bread-and-butter custom into boilerplate praxis, with able abstruse tweaks, of course.

In adverse to our abstraction of money and bill the archaic Yapese, able-bodied not so archaic afterwards all, had a bigger understanding. To them, it was a arrangement of acclaim and debit accounts and their consecutive clearing. A ‘social technology’ avant-garde in ideology, with bill aloof actuality a ‘token’ of acceptance of clearance.

This was taken into annual by Mr. Nakamoto, back he continued the above, to devise the proof-of-work abstraction as a cellophane adjustment for miners to get adored with bitcoin aloft approval and “verification” of affairs through analytic circuitous cryptographic puzzles on the blockchain.

It would accredit bodies to go about transacting on the Bitcoin arrangement in peace, with miners accomplishing their diligence. And this is how the acceptable cyberbanking and banking arrangement could assuredly be alone out of the all-around bread-and-butter equation.

To what admeasurement will this autonomous addition of Satoshi will move the aggravate for barter and accounts in the apple is still to be seen. At least, it can be said that the ancient Yapese would be absolutely appreciative of the disruptor’s seminal addition to the world.