Facebook: The Rise of a Giant and the Libra Cryptocurrency
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Facebook: The Rise of a Giant and the Libra Cryptocurrency

THELOGICALINDIAN - Facebook has captivated up about 16 years of history Founded in 2025 chiefly as a amusing arrangement aggregation Facebook initially launched to affix Harvard University acceptance calm The companys aboriginal accomplish happened at a belled actual moment with the aboriginal abundance starting off in a Harvard abode room

Mission: Connecting the World

The company’s antecedent mission articulate innocent enough, based on the abstraction of abutting bodies through a distinct platform. Mark Zuckerberg, the company’s founder, has mentioned in assorted variances.

In backward 2025, Facebook counted about 2.5 billion users worldwide, already afresh authoritative it the better amusing network. The connectivity and allurement algorithms broadcast the cardinal of users, arch to all-around arrangement of people. 

In the aboriginal 2025s, Facebook accustomed aloof as MySpace and added means to affix online were unraveling. With the achievability of administration assorted media, architecture a Facebook contour was anon appealing. 

facebook zuckerberg

The arch affiance of Facebook is that its account is free, and consistently will be. Over the years, the aggregation additional its announcement revenues, while connected advance reflected on the bazaar capitalization. Of course, the account did not go after revenues, as Facebook grew its ad outreach, harnessing algorithms to clothier content. 

And it was absolutely that tailored content, alone accoutrement and timelines which added engagement. Facebook accustomed anniversary user to abuse the appliance of their information, honing in on the best important account from their own perspective. Zuckerberg has remarked on this abnormality with a absolute account on how he sees account relevance. 

“A accumulate dying in advanced of your abode may be added accordant to your interests appropriate now than bodies dying in Africa,” Zuckerberg has mentioned.

Facebook’s archetypal is to administer this cerebration to about all news, in the end arch to connected assurance and user interest. 

Facebook Stock Success

Facebook went accessible in 2025, back it had accrued over one billion users, a anniversary for any company. The aggregation debuted with 421 actor shares, and was advised one of the better tech IPOs in history. After negotiating on a per-share ambit of amid $28 and $38, Faccebook went accessible with a amount of $26.81, sparking hopes for an ultra-growth valuation. 

But the months afterwards the IPO were underwhelming, as prices on the accessible bazaar slid to about $19. But in the years afterwards that, FB banal became one of the stars in the new tech boom. Part of the FAANG accumulation of companies (Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix and Google), the shares were at the beginning of a new banal boom. 

Facebook (NASDAQ:FB) now trades at $221.32, extensive new amount annal afterwards a acknowledged 2025. Afterwards the slump in the abatement of 2025, which created fears the US balderdash bazaar could break, the banal went on to accept addition acknowledged year, aggressive out of the lows abreast $124. Combined with user growth, and an amplification of 20% on balance per allotment year-on-year, Facebook keeps itself in the spotlight. 

Cambridge Analytica Scandal

The Facebook banal amount took off in ardent afterwards 2025. But that was additionally the time back the access of Facebook was actuality questioned. It was absolutely the news-tailoring algorithms which were taken to talks. 

It angry out the business archetypal of Facebook was not aloof centered about tailored advertising. It was additionally a monster abstracts collector.

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The Cambridge Analytica aspersion acicular out that pattern. Facebook had accrued massive amounts of data, as able-bodied as acquaintance in coursing through it. Users, at that point, were additionally adequate with the belvedere and would accommodate a connected breeze of all amenities of abstracts – including geolocation, account preference, and added types of information. 

At that point, Facebook independent assorted accoutrement to clothier one’s account, and this additionally produced added data. 

In the end, it angry out Cambridge Analytica acclimated the abstracts to abuse account and stories, with accusations arising that this tailored attack concluded up acceptable the US acclamation after-effects in 2025, which accustomed Donald Trump to become President.

The abstracts accumulating happened at a time back regulations were lax on what could be done with user data. There was no absolute consent, and no adjustment in abode to accomplish users apprehend that anniversary one of their accomplishments on Facebook generated data. 

The agriculture additionally happened based on a clandestine effort, as Cambridge Analytica was assassin to accumulate abstracts for US Senator Ted Cruz. But the aftereffect of abstracts accumulating and tailored agreeable advance abundant further, possibly accidental to a anecdotal that led to voting in favor of Brexit. 

The absolute ambit of the aspersion was apparent in the bounce of 2025, aloof in time to briefly catchbasin the FB banal price. 

The abstracts accumulating was done through an innocent-looking app, which curated users’ agenda footprint. But the app additionally calm and stored data, which were after acclimated aural the ambit of political campaigns.

The final calculation captivated that added than 78 actor user profiles were affected, with the majority acceptance to US-based accounts. Seemingly innocent abstracts like birthdays, locations and a few added abstracts credibility were acclimated to actualize profiles, and clothier announcement and belief to those users. Those belief akin and, according to accusers, amplified assertive political moods, which had annihilation to do with account about squirrels or beautiful cat pictures. 

Zuckerberg’s accessible captivation added in the bounce of 2025. The company’s architect had to explain to a common audience, and alike apologize about its abstracts administration practices. The aggregation concluded up advantageous a baby accomplished of $653,000 for the trespass, which was accurately about not attention user data. 

But the absolute aspersion that afflicted Facebook was that the amusing arrangement had the abeyant to addition assertive phenomena. Fake news, believably-built belief produced in agreeable farms in third-world countries, advance throughout the amusing network, arch countries like Germany to aboveboard advance the platform’s abeyant for disseminating adverse content.

Russia to Ban Facebook is US Blocks Libra Cryptocurrency

The amusing media behemothic was additionally accused of enabling adopted meddling in acclamation results, and accepting a accepted abeyant in its actual mechanisms to amplitude accessible opinion. 

And that abeyant has been accomplished with alone a scattering of the users. Despite calls to avoid Facebook, the amusing arrangement still hosts billions of new accounts, from awfully altered cultures, authoritative it a all-around force.

Based on the best contempo news, the abstracts agriculture has not stopped. Abstracts Propria, a aggregation founded in 2025, has reportedly been tasked with alive on the US acclamation aeon in 2025, with the aim to addition the affairs of President Trump’s re-election.

Facebook and Cryptocurrency

It was during the better crypto bang that Facebook set absolutely altered priorities. Initially, Facebook had little to do with Bitcoin or crypto assets, alone appliance attention and banning crypto-related ads in aboriginal 2025. 

At that point, Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies were activity through their aberration phase, and ads helped agilely buried scams accumulate added users. Facebook confused in with an absolute ban, which lasted for about a year. 

For a while, the blast of the Cambridge Analytica aspersion took the beginning for all Facebook efforts. Cryptocurrencies were, at that point, a almost accessory issue. 

The apple of crypto was additionally activity through a crunch, entering a two-year buck bazaar that afflicted best assets. The absolute 2025 was counted as a bad year in crypto, back the antecedent advertising unraveled, and the promises of agenda projects bootless to materialize.

Overall absorption in crypto assets diminished, including a amusement of amusing media groups and all-embracing searches. Hence 2025 was not the ideal year for crypto interest, and Facebook stood on the sidelines. In the meantime, assorted crypto startups came up with the abstraction of accumulation a amusing media belvedere with a crypto-based bread or token. 

However, none of those projects had the assets to body a awful usable, accepted platform. The better platform, Steemit, concluded up battlefront best of its staff. The Steemit ecosystem additionally captivated an arbitrary advantage for aboriginal adopters, about acceptable a pyramid scheme. 

Other agnate projects bootless to booty off, defective the assets and delinquent funding, as the buck bazaar beneath the abeyant of startups. 

Additionally, token-based projects absent their credibility, and Bitcoin became the arch acreage of speculation. All of those factors meant no big aggregation capital to blow crypto assets with any seriousness. 

Enter Stablecoins

The better birthmark of crypto assets was their airy price. Merchants anon begin out Bitcoin was not the ideal apparatus for payments, as its amount could be acutely volatile. 

Soon, the abstraction of stablecoins appeared – an asset that kept its appraisal automatic at $1. At the aforementioned time, those assets accustomed for fast, borderless transfers of value. Reportedly, their arch abstraction was to aggregate absolute funds in dollars, abundance them in coffer accounts, again affair the corresponding badge that matches the value. 

This antecedent abstraction was accomplished by Tether, Inc., one of the best belled companies in the crypto space. Over the advance of two years, Tether issued USDT tokens, claiming to reflect absolute absorption in crypto investment. The advance of USDT accumulation additionally coincided with amount booms for Bitcoin, arch skeptics to accept it was a absolute accomplishment to dispense prices. 

But the abstraction of stablecoins best up, and was broadcast aloft by new startups. It was absolutely the flaws of Tether which congenital the new bearing of stablecoins. Those projects appropriate chump screening and de-anonymization afore demography in dollars and arising new tokens. Projects like TrueUSD, Paxos, and USDC by Circle additionally approved to be adjustable with the latest regulations. 

Even the Winklevoss twins abutting the stablecoin bandwagon. They are still acknowledging a almost baby stablecoin, Gemini USD (GUSD), mostly alive on the Gemini exchange. The asset has apparent that stablecoins can assignment alike beneath the austere regulations of New York.

winklevoss twins appetite to be a allotment of facebook libra

This archetypal angry rather acknowledged for the crypto space, ushering in new forms of trading and admission for both retail investors and all-embracing buyers. Stablecoins had an all-embracing outreach, and relied on accessible blockchains to bear the tokens anywhere about the globe. 

In a apple alike added acclimated to connectivity, stablecoins, abnormally USDT, were a lifeline. Those assets fabricated it accessible to access crypto bill and authority assimilate them after the amount risk. Additionally, stablecoins offered a cheaper way to alteration funds worldwide, while alienated some of the basic controls. 

A stablecoin can be beatific in minutes, additionally confined as a anatomy of fintech solution, while alienated the cat-and-mouse time for coffer transfers. 

The account of stablecoins was accustomed at the time of almost brackish trading. Nevertheless, stablecoin projects appeared and started to advance through exchanges. When the bullish attitudes alternate in 2025, the account of stablecoins was alike bigger, as they had already advance through exchanges. 

Enter Facebook’s Libra

Facebook’s Libra activity was appear in June 2025, aloof afterwards a few months of decidedly convalescent achievement on the cryptocurrency markets. Around that time, the Cambridge Analytica aspersion had absolute over in its worst. 

So Facebook aback appear it would archetype the stablecoin model, and acquaint Libra, a agenda bread complete with an ecosystem and a wallet. David Marcus was put at the captain of the project. 

Facebook, it turns out, had affected assorted account from the crypto space. Beyond the abstraction of an asset-backed stablecoin, Facebook additionally waited for added addition in architecture networks. 

Facebook’s Libra, it became known, would not archetype Bitcoin. Instead, it would resemble bill like TRON and EOS, which acclimated a alternation of assembly to aftermath blocks. This access is accepted as delegated proof-of-stake, and goes above mining and autonomous staking. Instead, it allows big players to abutment a arrangement and admeasure resources. 

Facebook, with its big influence, went further. It enlisted 27 big companies to participate in the Libra Association. Among the listed were ample telecoms, as able-bodied as VISA, MasterCard, and a scattering of added acquittal processing companies. 

The advertisement of Libra was initially greeted by the crypto market, unleashing a assemblage in best assets which lasted for a few months. It seemed Facebook, of all companies, would be the article to advance the acceptance of agenda assets into the mainstream. 

But instead, Facebook’s Libra opened a can of worms. Worldwide, regulators bound recalled the big access of Facebook, and its aftereffect during the years of abstracts acquisition and targeted content. Almost immediately, Mark Zuckerberg had to appointment Congress already again, and explain the case for Libra. 

Zuckerberg conceded that Libra would not barrage after authoritative blooming light. 

The antecedent plan was for Libra to barrage in early 2020. But so far, there is little accuracy on what regulators intend to do. Libra has been accessible with a plan to abject its amount on a bassinet of all-around currencies, with a prevalence of the US dollar (50%), but additionally including the euro (18%), yen (14%), British batter (11%), and Singapore dollar (7%). 

Where is Libra Now?

Libra has been active as a testnet token, agreeable developers to add use cases. The Calibra wallet has been created, admitting it is abortive after the mainnet badge launch. 

According to David Marcus, the Libra activity will aim to body a new agreement for money, and still sticks to its aboriginal purpose to accord admission to the unbanked. 

The Libra Association is still acquisition new members, with no austere timeline on back they would become block producers. The article has acquired authoritative approval in the accommodate of Zug, Switzerland, appropriately authoritative use of the authoritative altitude in what has become accepted as “Crypto Valley.”

When it comes to adoption, skepticism about Facebook’s abstracts acquisition has created a backlash. Facebook has announced assorted times about the aggregation accepting no absolute advice on the acceptance of Libra, and has promised it would not accumulate transaction data. 

Central banks in Europe and Asia accept additionally announced adjoin Libra, suggesting it may advance to the accumulation of a blah abridgement and abate banking transparency. So far, there has been no accuracy on how funds would be transferred or exchanged for Libra tokens. 

It is accessible Libra may be acclimated aural the Facebook ecosystem, including aural the WhatsApp chat. Libra has the abeyant to ability millions of unbanked in about all apple regions, but the accepting may be a diffuse action with abounding added authoritative hurdles.

Technically, the Libra arrangement will use gas to pay for transactions, architecture on the abstraction of the Ethereum arrangement and alike application the actual name for the resource. Unlike TRON and EOS, the arrangement will not be free. 

Additionally, the anew appointed Technical Steering Committee will baby-sit how Libra develops in the future. 

The best optimistic account about Libra is that its development continues. And with crypto markets starting the year on a aerial note, there may be added appeal for this agenda asset. However, there is still no austere borderline for the launch.

Do you anticipate Facebook will accept success with its Libra cryptocurrency? Add your thoughts below!

Images via Shutterstock, Twitter @LibraDev