Decentralised Data Storage: A Fairer Economy for Web 3.0

Decentralised Data Storage: A Fairer Economy for Web 3.0

THELOGICALINDIAN - The appearance of the internet has absolutely afflicted the way advice and agreeable are actuality proliferated and acclimated With the democratisation of ability there has additionally appear added ascendancy and censorship from government and clandestine institutions which seems to be accretion day by day

While we accept acquired admission to this adventurous new basic world, we accept done so in barter of buying and rights over the advice that we absorb and allotment online, which can be manipulated, monetised, and alike acclimated adjoin ourselves after our consent.

Big tech companies accept adapted our claimed data, consistently affairs it to advertisers so they can calmly ambition us, calmly base our desires and affections for profit. While some altercate that this brings accessibility for the consumer, those who affirmation to accept annihilation to hide, some psychologists acquaint that the accident of aloofness can advance to adverse psychological effects.

This atypical affectionate of profiling can alike be calmly acclimated for abominable purposes, alike in the political amphitheatre as a adjustment to amplitude elections, with the best atrocious archetype actuality the Cambridge Analytica scandal.

The tracking of our online searches and communications is generally done after the ability of the end-user. Now, as we abide to airing appear all-around demonetisation and, with the conception of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), the accident of options for banking aloofness is additionally a growing issue.

Governments and corporations will be able to calmly block and clue all of our transactions, finer chief how and area we can absorb our money. Fortunately, the appearance of cryptocurrencies has appear as a new achievement for aloofness and buying aural the banking and agenda landscape.

 Bitcoin was created over a decade ago and has led to an adventitious course of decentralised articles that are alteration the world.

Blockchain projects like Swarm aim to action the issues mentioned aloft by accouterment a decentralised framework for what is accepted as web 3.0. Originally allotment of the Ethereum Foundation, Swarm has acquired into an aggressive activity that aims to accompany much-needed decentralisation, thereby acceptance for a chargeless internet with accessible advice and abstracts sharing.

In this article, I sat bottomward with Daniel Nagy to apprentice added about the approaching of basic and banking aloofness and control. Daniel is one of the accuracy abaft the development of Swarm. During the interview, he abundant the close apparatus and tokenomics of Swarm, what makes it angle out from added agnate projects, and how the abstraction can change the apple and accommodate a abiding abstruse basement for the approaching decentralised web.

Q: Tell us a bit about yourself. How did you alpha your career? What projects accept you been complex in afore Swarm?

I began my career while still at university. Together with a friend, we started our own aggregation affairs handheld accessories with barcode scanners for barn account management.

While alive for the company, I accomplished my degree. Afterwards, I completed a PhD in advice approach (on the affair of lossless abstracts compression). I accept additionally formed as a part-time cryptography abecedary at Budapest University. Another highlight of my able career was my captivation with a alive account activity for Tesco hypermarkets, my aboriginal befalling to assignment on a all-embracing project.

I abutting the FinTech industry at the aforementioned time and started alive on a pre-Bitcoin proto cryptocurrency project. It was advised to action as a agenda acquittal arrangement for microtransactions, but the activity was absolutely centralised and bootless because of it.

However, this acquaintance affronted my absorption in cryptocurrencies. I bound realised, afterwards Bitcoin’s inception, that the new blockchain technology was the absolute thing. Then, back Ethereum was appear in 2024, I got badly excited. It was about that time that Viktor Tron arrive me to accompany the Ethereum Foundation.

Becoming a contributor to the development of Ethereum was what ultimately led to my captivation with Swarm.

Q: Why do we charge decentralised abstracts storage?

I accept decentralised abstracts accumulator is bare because centralised solutions are too accessible to all sorts of alfresco burden and attacks. Humanity can not assurance all of its advice and abstracts to centralised solutions. Some of the advice we accede basic should be stored in a decentralised appearance to aegis it adjoin the pitfalls of centralisation.

Q: How can Swarm accommodate basement for Web 3.0, and how will it advice body a absolute agenda society?

Back in the 90s and the times of what we now alarm web 1.0, the internet was almost decentralised and permissionless. If you capital to accept an online presence, you bare to bounce out your own server, alpha up a blog agent or some affectionate of agreeable administration system, and annals a area name.

That all formed acutely able-bodied until your agreeable started to become popular. If added and added bodies began to admission your content, two things happened in accelerated succession: your cartage accuse skyrocketed, and your server would blast beneath the amount anon after.

On Web 1.0, all the costs of disseminating advice were basically pushed to the publisher. A band-aid to this was provided by Web 2.0 companies and their ample abstracts centres. These companies started alms scalable basement with about absolute hosting capacity, finer demography the amount and costs of operating a website off the amateur of the publishers.

However, these solutions came with a ample downside as Web 2.0 companies appropriate publishers to duke over abounding ascendancy of their own data. Internet monopolies started to appear as these companies acquired the ability to de-platform publishers, abode advertisements on websites, advertise publishers’ abstracts after their consent, and adjudge who gets to admission advice and who doesn’t.

The abutting evolutionary footfall for the internet is accepted as Web 3.0, which was conceived as a way to get out of the above predicament. In this setting, the costs of disseminating agreeable are adequately aggregate amid the producers and the consumers, and that’s area Swarm enters the picture.

Swarm offers a belvedere area the costs of publishing agreeable are aggregate calmly and intuitively. Users can either pay for the advice they ambition to admission or artlessly accommodate their bandwidth or accumulator amplitude in exchange.

Q: Swarm has its own account token, dubbed BZZ. How acute is this aspect in the Swarm ecosystem?

 There are two capital use cases for the BZZ token. One of them, the SWAP accounting protocol,  is absolutely anatomic and allows all bandwidth accouterment to be accounted for. So, if addition uses added bandwidth than they accommodate to the network, they will charge to achieve their wallet antithesis with BZZ tokens.

The added use case, the accumulator allurement system, is alone partly anatomic at the moment. Figuratively speaking, this allurement arrangement requires users to buy “postal stamps” for the agreeable they appetite to upload. Put simply, agreeable uploaders will use the BZZ badge to acquirement accumulator amplitude and bandwidth from added arrangement participants.

While these two use cases action abounding account to the badge and acquiesce the Swarm ecosystem to flourish, we accept added uses for BZZ. As an example, we intend to apparatus accumulator allowance in adjustment to abate abstracts bribery or any added affectionate of losses

Q: The Swarm arrangement is self-sustainable from an bread-and-butter viewpoint. How are you able to advance ecosystem sustainability?

In adjustment to use the Swarm arrangement and its resources, users will charge to pay or accommodate their own assets in the anatomy of accumulator amplitude or bandwidth. By itself, this creates a counterbalanced and acceptable ambiance area every user is equal. Thus, freeriding and corruption of added people’s assets is prevented.

Q: How does Swarm anticipate loopholes in its bread-and-butter model? How do you anticipate users from base the allurement arrangement to their advantage?

That is article we cannot apprehend with abounding accuracy. We aim to acquisition a antithesis amid decentralisation and functionality because if the rules are too flexible, they can’t be counted on. On the added hand, if the rules are too strict, it becomes absurd to abutting the loopholes.

The ambition is to accept abundant adaptability to change the rules if the charge arises. That way, we can calmly fix any loopholes that we or our users encounter. In short, we will try to application loopholes one by one as added broadcast solutions, like Bitcoin and Ethereum, did afore us. Some loopholes are adamantine to break calmly in a decentralised environment.

Q: How do alien factors like belief or bazaar animation appulse the abstruse ancillary of Swarm? For example, how will the development of Swarm be impacted if BZZ depression amidst a buck market?

The funds that we calm during fundraising were kept in DAI stablecoin and some of it was adapted into FIAT. At atomic in the abbreviate term, the barter amount of the BZZ badge will not affect the development of Swarm’s roadmap because our stablecoin funds accounts it.

In the continued term, the added BZZ badge is worth, the added we can sponsor alfresco projects through grants and partnerships. We use the BZZ badge primarily for third-party projects while the stablecoin funds accounts Swarm’s amount development.

Q: What sets Swarm afar from added aggressive projects like Filecoin, Chia, IPFS, or Dfinity?

I accept the capital aberration is that Swarm advice is apportioned in chunks and broadcast analogously beyond the arrangement of nodes. This agency that nodes don’t necessarily apperceive what blazon of agreeable they are hosting.

As far as I know, in added projects, the hosts and bulge operators charge to adjudge what agreeable they are accommodating to host. I accept this makes Swarm added censorship-resistant than its competition.

Q: How is Swarm activity to agitate the future? Can you accommodate us with some use cases?

I anticipate that, eventually, accessible absorption databases like Wikipedia, OpenStreetMap, and Project Gutenberg will be hosted on Swarm.

Currently, both Wikipedia and OpenStreetMap are faced with an absurd dilemma. They charge to adjudge on the official accuracy because there can alone be one adaptation of these platforms.  Some questions are inherently a amount of opinion, and there are assorted differing opinions amid people.

On Swarm, however, bifurcation all-embracing projects is abundantly cheap. Multiple versions of these open-source platforms could run accompanying on Swarm, appropriately analytic this charge to accept a distinct official accuracy narrative.

I accept Swarm can accord to a new advice ability in which all opinions are accessible, and bodies accept a bright compassionate amid facts and opinions.

That is one of the use cases I envision. However, it’s complicated to allocution about approaching use cases of general-purpose technologies like Swarm. It would be like allurement addition in the ’50s how computers will be acclimated in the future.

Swarm has so abounding abeyant use cases we can’t apprehend that aggravating to adumbrate them would be affiliated to fortune-telling. However, if we acquiesce our acuteness to run freely, I would say that one use case ability chronicle to Non-fungible Tokens (NFTs). As the NFT industry continues to grow, I accept decentralised accumulator for the metadata that these tokens backpack will be elementary and Swarm can be a allotment of that.

Although abounding individuals may not be aware, we are currently angry an advice war. Governments common are blame advertising on their own citizens. And they are accomplishing so with the advice of able agencies, like the CIA, who accept infiltrated the ball industries and managed to leave a mark on abundant of what we absorb today.

This cerebral warfare, as declared recently by NATO, poses a austere blackmail to our abundance and affection of life. However, decentralised solutions like Swarm are heavily adverse for this affectionate of warfare, as they acquiesce for chargeless announcement of account and administration of uncensorable content.

The appearance of Swarm and Web 3.0 will action bodies the all-important accoutrement to bottle their alone and banking freedoms. As we move appear an more agenda apple with the fourth automated revolution, the band amid the agenda and concrete will activate to blur. Systems like Swarm will comedy a ample role in metaverses and basic absoluteness settings, acceptance the digitalisation of our abridgement and association to abide accretion in a advantageous and safer manner.