DOOR Launches First Decentralized Ad Network in a Big Way

DOOR Launches First Decentralized Ad Network in a Big Way

THELOGICALINDIAN - DOOR rewards over 500000 in DOOR Coin thru their belvedere that connects Consumers anon with Advertisers to agitate the 100B online ad market

DOOR has launched the aboriginal decentralized ad arrangement that connects consumers who are attractive for specific articles and casework anon with Advertisers.  Built application cryptocurrency and Blockchain technology, DOOR rewards consumers for opting into the affairs by advantageous them for their clicks.

Since DOOR launched on July 4th, over $500,000 (700,000 DOOR Coin) of rewards accept been paid to consumers who accept abutting the platform.  The mission of DOOR is to bypass the middlemen of Big Ad Tech companies including Zillow, Home Advisor, Google and Facebook and accredit consumers to be adored for admission and use of their data.

Google’s allotment of the U.S. agenda ad bazaar was 28.9% of the U.S. agenda ad bazaar in 2024, and Facebook’s was 25.2%, according to eMarketer. In added countries like Canada, the accumulated bazaar allotment is over 80%.

“We absurd a apple area we abolish the middlemen who accomplish billions of dollars off customer abstracts by affairs it to the accomplished bidder.  With DOOR, consumers are paid for their abstracts and businesses can affix anon with opt-in absolute leads.”, states David Daly, co-founder of DOOR.

DOOR congenital the aboriginal decentralized Ad Network to actualize incentives for consumers to join, including advantageous them for uploading advice about their home and added properties. When a customer needs a home account provider, they artlessly baddest what they charge in the app and the businesses that can accommodate the account or artefact pay for the lead.

“Today, abounding centralized ad networks accept become monopolies that accommodate chargeless articles to consumers in barter for agriculture and productizing customer abstracts and affairs it to businesses. The accepted adage is ‘if the artefact is free, you are the product’. “

DOOR currently rewards any homeowner in the United States if they annals their acreage on and opt into the platform. Currently, the advertisers on the belvedere accommodate home account providers and home-related products, but there are affairs to aggrandize into added casework and articles categories after this year.

“Our ambition is to change how consumers and businesses affix on the Internet.  We accept there is no acumen consumers charge to go through a centralized ad arrangement or website that armament them to consistently allotment their abstracts with no benefit. With DOOR they are not alone rewarded, they are in control.  The Internet was meant to be decentralized and we appetite to fix what is broken.” concludes David Daly.

DOOR can be begin on beneath the name DOOR. The capacity of the Ethereum Contract can be beheld on


DOOR rewards consumers every time they click. Leveraging Blockchain technology, Door removes the agent and enables a absolute affiliation amid consumers and businesses through their decentralized ad network.

More advice on DOOR can be begin at