Dragon War: A Turn-Based Fantasy Metaverse Building on NFTs

Dragon War: A Turn-Based Fantasy Metaverse Building on NFTs

THELOGICALINDIAN - The aggregate of blockchain technology NFTs and gaming produced an atomic breakaway industry in the cryptocurrency amplitude aftermost year as gamers everywhere woke up to the abeyant allowances of gamefi and playtoearn P2E bold mechanics

One new absolution architecture on this drive is Dragon War, a turn-based fantasy action bold congenital on the Solana (SOL) blockchain. In its mystical realm, a casting of badass characters is represented by non-fungible tokens (NFTs) that can be bigger and collapsed up through acknowledged gameplay.

Players booty on the role of one of four different heroes (human, wizard, elf, and orc), anniversary with their own audible abilities. What’s more, all heroes accept the adeptness to arouse basal dragons based about accustomed attributes – earth, fire, thunder, and baptize – and to use their congenital abilities to advance their affairs of acceptable in PvP and PvE battles.

Since development began on Dragon War, the activity has admiring advance from dozens of arresting adventure capitalists and blockchain incubators, including AU21 Capital, Athena Ventures, Vendetta Capital, Red Kite, and Icetea Labs. At the time of writing, Joe Public is about to acquisition out what all the fuss is about as Dragon War draws abreast to its Q1 mainnet release…

The in-game characters of Dragon War amount four altered species, anniversary built-in to the absurd ambience of Eragard. Humans are characterized by their accomplished antithesis of attributes amid attack, defense, and HP while elves account from greater arresting abilities than added contest (though Dark Elves accent advance over all else). Orcs, meanwhile, alpha off with abundant college HP than any added race. When a user aboriginal purchases a hero, they additionally accede a different specialty accomplishment that strengthens the starting adeptness of any basal dragon they arouse in the future.

Dragons add to the in-game action assemblage of each player and abatement into bristles different classes: Tanker, Warrior, Ranger, Mage, and Support. Each Dragon additionally about receives one of bristles basal strengths: Fire, Wood, Earth, Thunder, and Water.

As with heroes, every blazon of dragon comes with its own audible strengths, while their altered elements additionally add to and adapt those strengths. The best players will acquisition synergies amid their heroes, their dragon, and their basal strengths in adjustment to accomplish the best able gameplay. Dragons initially appear in the anatomy of three altered rarities (common, uncommon, rare), with the congenital strengths and abilities of anniversary dictated by their levels.

Players can acquire from Dragon War in a cardinal of ways: by agreeable in PvP and PvE battles adjoin added players and NPCs; by commutual missions and quests; by topping the leaderboard at the end of every PvE and PvP session; and by affairs their attenuate or added NFTs in the Dragon War marketplace.

All of the in-game characters, skills, and weapons are represented by NFTs, and anniversary can be traded and awash to added players, giving participants a deluge of abeyant strategies and opportunities to accumulation from acknowledged gameplay. The actuality that the bold is congenital on the blazing-fast architectonics of the Solana blockchain makes these activities all the added agreeable back transaction fees are abreast zero.

The aggregate of NFTs alongside Dragon War’s assorted in-game appearance creates a ambit of acutely assorted options for players back it comes to gameplay and strategy. Anniversary of the four heroes’ abilities can be adapted by the aberration and strengths of anniversary basal dragon. Anniversary dragon, meanwhile, has altered abilities according to the backbone of its six anatomy parts, while in-game weapons and items adapt a player’s assemblage alike further.

Dragon War’s built-in DRAW badge is acclimated to buy in-game NFTs such as heroes and dragons, and it can additionally be acclimated for staking to acquire acquiescent income. The additional badge built-in to Dragon War, ERA, is acclimated to buy added in-game items and can be deployed to advancement characters and dragons as the bold progresses. The cardinal of DRAW tokens is capped at 1.5 billion while the ERA accumulation is unlimited.

Dragon War’s mainnet is appointed for absolution after this month, with its roadmap extending to the end of the year, by which time a fully-fledged metaverse may able-bodied be live. Amid amaranthine gamefi drops, Dragon War stands out due to its cornball familiarity, endless earning opportunities, and able developer team. If dragons, quests, and crypto float your boat, you charge to accord it a try.

Keep an eye out for Dragon War’s upcoming IDO whitelist which will chase the afterward schedule:

The IDO Auction Schedule, meanwhile, will accessible with Solanium on March 20 afore absolute three canicule later. On the aforementioned day the auction ends on Solanium, March 23, IDOs will accompanying arise on Red Kite and Starpunk.