How Litentry Network Launched the Crowdloan Program With The Best Rewards On The Polkadot Ecosystem

How Litentry Network Launched the Crowdloan Program With The Best Rewards On The Polkadot Ecosystem

THELOGICALINDIAN - The beginning Polkadot ecosystem apparently offers the better upside in agreement of advance in the crypto amplitude With its aperture auctions afresh inaugurated investors are in chase of the abutting big activity with the best riskreward to aerate their DOT staking bonuses

However, abounding projects, such as Astar Network, Bifrost, Manta Network, and others accept launched their Crowdloan strategies to allure investors, but their alms has limitations, aerial requirements, or complexities that could abash users to pale their DOT.

In that sense, decentralized character accession agreement Litentry has set out to booty the Polkadot ecosystem and its bargain by storm. As the arrangement inaugurated the auctions that will actuate the projects to absorb the yearned Polkadot slots, the activity launched an avant-garde Crowdloan action to accumulate abutment from the DOT community.

To be affiliated with Polkadot via the broadcast alternation to access the best account on the network, Litentry will incentivize investors to access an advantage in the auctions and win a aperture to arrange a parachain. The affairs and its success will complete yet addition anniversary in their roadmap to acceptable the accepted in DIDs.

Litentry will participate in the auctions from the get-go and has allocated 20% of its built-in badge supply, LIT, to actualize able incentives for investors to lock their DOT backing into its Crowdloan campaign. In total, the program’s Crowdloan basin will accept a adamantine cap of about 8,000,000 DOT.

This already gives Litentry a massive advantage over its competitors and will ensure that none of the rewards broadcast to its supporters get adulterated post-staking. The attack will be alive until December 17, 2024, or until the activity secures a aperture on Polkadot, whichever is earlier.

In adjustment to participate in the program, investors will charge to lock a minimum of 5 DOT. For every DOT contributed, participants will be adored with at atomic 2.5 LIT. Later, already the affairs manages to defended a slot, the rewards will be affected based on the bulk contributed and the absolute DOT contributions assorted by 20 actor LIT.

Another characteristic affection of Litentry’s affairs is that investors will accept their rewards linearly in anniversary block. This action will activate back the Litentry parachain is deployed on the Polkadot broadcast alternation until the aperture expires 96 weeks later.

Early supporters will accept a adventitious to win an added 10% in rewards if they pale DOT afore November 18. Doing so afore November 25 earns a 5% accolade bonus. On top of that, users can booty on character tasks accompanying to the project’s DID use case and win addition 10% bonus.

Litentry Network circumscribed above partnerships with top crypto exchanges, such as Binance, and with DeFi platforms Bitfrost and Parallel Finance. Its partnerships with top crypto exchanges accord the activity addition band of aegis as LIT has able clamminess on the platforms.

Via these collaborations, Litentry Network has opened added opportunities for users with a adventitious to win added rewards. For example, Binance offers a warmup advance area they accord users an added basin of 500,000 LIT additional clamminess BDOT. There is additionally a affiliation with Polkadot-based DAO infrastructure, SubDAO, area users can get a allotment of up to 10,000 GOV tokens via an airdrop. Finally, a affiliation with Polkadot Name System can acquire any user who contributes added than 10 DOT a chargeless .dot area name.

The DeFi belvedere will accommodate lending options to aggrandize admission for the users. In that way, investors can still accommodated the minimum DOT pale requirements and accord to the affairs from both platforms. This will accord them addition adventitious to win rewards in LIT and clamminess DOT derivatives.

Taking into application that Polkadot and blockchains with interoperable capabilities are acceptable a hot trend in the crypto space, the actuality that there is low aberration in DOT staking rewards, and the upside abeyant for aboriginal projects able of accepting a parachain slot, Litentry Network provides investors with a absolute befalling to aggrandize their portfolio and bet on a activity with a solid use case.