Interviewing Katherine Deng, Founder of MEXC Pioneer and Charlie Hu, Polygon Head of SE Asia and China About the Initiative and its Benefits

Interviewing Katherine Deng, Founder of MEXC Pioneer and Charlie Hu, Polygon Head of SE Asia and China About the Initiative and its Benefits

THELOGICALINDIAN - Many of us are already accustomed with MEXC Global as a crypto trading belvedere and now the addition of the MEXC Pioneer affairs has got us alike added absorbed to apperceive added about MEXC and its assorted initiatives We absitively to allege with Katherine Deng architect of MEXC Pioneer to apperceive added about the affairs and affix with Pioneers latest accomplice in this action Polygon

Q: Hi Katherine, would you amuse acquaint our readers about MEXC Global and how it stands afar from added exchanges and trading platforms?

Definitely, we accept been accustomed back April 2024, and accept added than 7 actor users in added than 75 countries about the world. MEXC Global is one of the fastest-growing cryptocurrency exchanges with added than 800 tokens in atom trading on our platform. Lately, we accept additionally partnered with Bybit to authorize an avant-garde CEX abutment for over 10 actor users to account from our partnership. We are alive calm carefully for affection projects for our collective Launchpad, which agency the projects ablution on the Launchpad on MEXC Global and Bybit will be vetted by both our able teams in adjustment to accord our users a abundant safer and college adventitious to advance in affection projects.

Q: Hi Charlie, would you amuse acquaint our readers about how a absolute ecosystem, Polygon, looks at the MEXC Pioneer’s establishment?

First of all, I absolutely acknowledge the accident allurement today from the MEXC Pioneer program. It’s abundant to see that MEXC accustomed this new all-around Pioneer accelerator action to advice addition the ecosystem architecture with Polygon. From Polygon’s standpoint, we accept accomplished a huge advance of ecosystem projects aural Polygon. In 2021, the cardinal of projects that accept deployed on the Polygon arrangement has developed from 200 to 3000, based on the contempo on-chain address fabricated by Alchemy. With this accelerated advance of ecosystem adoption, we do acquisition it actual arduous to aloof acknowledgment to our own Polygon official aggregation to accord all the all-encompassing ecosystem abutment after added ecosystem partners’ help. That’s why the Polygon aggregation absolutely feels blessed and beholden to see the MEXC Pioneer affairs accustomed with such a big eyes and abutment in the activity for Polygon.

Polygon will accumulate its focus on the blockchain arrangement full-stack scaling, with the new focus on the Zk-Rollups, forth with the acceptance band focus on the web3 gaming and metaverse. Polygon accustomed a abstracted business article and cast alleged Polygon Studio which aims to be the all-around facilitator for web3 gaming, metaverse and NFTs. We achievement we can co-build and facilitate world-class projects calm with the MEXC Pioneer program.

 Q: What is MEXC Pioneer all about?

MEXC Pioneer is a belvedere advised to accord new projects, innovators and entrepreneurs the accoutrement all-important to about-face their dreams into reality. To advice do this, we are ablution a $100 actor advance armamentarium to abutment blockchain technology and basement projects, abnormally those focused on architecture cross-chain infrastructures, NFTs, gaming and decentralized accounts systems.

Q: What was the acumen abaft this initiative?

For bodies who are accustomed with MEXC Global, we accept a able almanac in arch projects growth, abnormally in agreement of allowance abutment new and abstracted projects in demography their aboriginal accomplish forward. In the accomplished three years, we accept accurate added than 100 new projects. These accommodate acknowledging projects aural the ecosystems such as Solana, Polygon, Avalanche and Algorand in their aboriginal days. These accept all gone on to become domiciliary names about the crypto sphere.

Initially, these teams all had huge abeyant and beheading accomplishment but appropriate abutment — financially and in the anatomy of mentorship. Especially in the accelerated development of the blockchain amplitude today, we accept apparent there are added and added outstanding developers in this industry with belief of altered assets or funding. Hence, we aim to be their trusted accomplice accouterment the abutment they need, allowance accompany their account to activity and alive with them throughout their entrepreneurship.

Q: How do you anticipate the MEXC Pioneer affairs will advice today’s crypto ecosystem?

[MEXC] The MEXC Pioneer belvedere and its aggregation will not alone accounts and abutment decentralized projects but advice to identify, invest, bazaar and body the communities of the decentralized world’s best accomplished developers and teams.

We aren’t aloof attractive to advance the acceptance and addition in the industry, but to enhance the adherence and assurance amid projects, communities and added key players in the industry, while allowance our communities and ally to abound and flourish. We achievement to do aggregate we can to cull the approaching advanced and account the greater association in this journey.

[Polygon] In 2024, we see a lot of new innovations advancing to the market, with solid articles and a abundant community. Polygon has already accurate top DeFi, NFT, GameFi projects in our ecosystem such as AAVE, Quickswap, OpenSea, Decentraland, Sandbox, Cryptovosels, Aavegotchi, Skyweaver and Zed run etc.

But we accept our assets and bandwidth are limited. We cannot accumulate up the aforementioned akin of ecosystem abutment to all the accessible bags of new Polygon ecosystem projects after partnering with a high-level third-party automated facilitator, incubator and accelerator, like MEXC Pioneer.

Q: How does one become allotment of the MEXC Pioneer program, and what can they apprehend to accretion out of it?

For anyone who is absorbed in applying to the MEXC Pioneer program, amuse chase our Twitter and website. The allotment date for new projects will be appear shortly.

The called projects will be provided with cardinal basic from the Pioneer advance fund, alternate mentorship from admiral who are CEOs and investors from acclaimed projects and VCs, as able-bodied as business abutment from industry-leading influencers who onboarded on the MEXC Pioneer platform. On top of that, projects will accept admission to added value-add operational abutment from MEXC Global’s ecosystem, including PR and marketing, legal, recruitment, and so on.

Q: How does MEXC Pioneer advantage the absolute MEXC Global basement for the account of accommodating projects?

As mentioned earlier, projects can account from the assets in the MEXC Global ecosystem including PR and marketing, legal, banking and recruitment. This is additionally the different aggressive advantage that MEXC Pioneer has, we accept a about-face action by leveraging absolute MEXC Global resources, acceptance us to accommodate all-in-one operational casework to projects in a advanced array of DeFi sectors.

Q: What are the altered ecosystems that are currently partnering with MEXC Pioneer?

Before MEXC Pioneer was clearly announced, we already had absolutely abutting relationships in abode with Polygon, Avalanche, Solana, and Algorand and we will additionally be partnering with added top ecosystems in the industry, in adjustment to accommodate added affairs for accomplished and avant-garde developer teams out there and to accord to growing the accomplished apple of decentralized technology.

Q: Tell us added about MEXC Pioneer and Polygon’s partnerships and collaborations with added projects or businesses

[Polygon] Polygon has a big activity of GameFi projects that are activity to be launched by the end of 2024 or Q1 2022. With all these bold projects launched, we achievement to see a big advance in the circadian alive users, alive wallet addresses and ecosystem activities. We achievement the affiliation with MEXC Pioneer can accomplish it stronger and added scalable in the ecosystem assurance with our users.

Q: Now that we apperceive MEXC is planning on accommodating with Polygon, what can we apprehend from it, from both sides? Can you anniversary acknowledgment this one?

[MEXC] We accept formed carefully with Polygon in its aboriginal stage, with the contempo GameFi bazaar hype, Polygon has already accurate a lot of abundant projects in NFT, DeFi, and GameFi. Now that with our $100m advance armamentarium accurately absorption on acknowledging the projects in the metaverse angle from MEXC Pioneer, and with Polygon Studio launching, we appear to authority the aforementioned appearance of accumulation our backbone calm into a bigger partnership.


MEXC has been actual admiring in Polygon’s antecedent hackathon and with abounding ecosystem activity listings such as OneRare, ApeSwap finance, and Step Hero. We achievement to acquisition large, alive user bases from MEXC Pioneer from South East Asia, Europe, and Latin America. These regions are absolutely the aforementioned alive regions as Polygon ecosystem users. Therefore, we accept there is an absorbing synergy to co-building the ecosystem and blame the projects advanced together.

Q: Any new announcements or surprises in abundance for the crypto community?

[MEXC] There will absolutely be lots of agitative account advancing up on our approaching affiliation announcements, and we will authorize a MEXC Pioneer hackathon aboriginal abutting year, all of our ally aural the worlds of adventure capital, ecosystem development, influencers and media will all be alive against the aforementioned ambition – bringing the best projects into the decentralized world.

[Polygon] We accept a few things advancing up. The accessible accretion of some world-class zk-rollup engineering teams will be appear soon, break tuned. Also, there is lots of agitative account on the high-level, triple-A amateur advancing from Polygon Studio. 

Q: Anything abroad you would like to allotment with our readers from your perspectives appear MEXC Pioneer?

[MEXC] We are so aflame to accept the adventitious to abide our affiliation with Polygon, and furthermore, we will be alive afterpiece than afore in architecture a belvedere area all affection activity teams can be accurate in every way they need, with the advice of our abundant accomplice like Polygon.

[Polygon] We achievement we can accompany abundant ecosystem projects into the MEXC Pioneer program.

There are some absolutely absorbing GameFi, SocialFi, DAO and added new areas of projects such as SportFi advancing out and calm we will be at the beginning of all of them. We will allotment added capacity already they are ready.