Boba Network Raises $45 Million for Ethereum Scalability

Boba Network Raises $45 Million for Ethereum Scalability

THELOGICALINDIAN - The projects Series A allotment annular puts its absolute appraisal at 15 billion

Boba Network, a Layer 2 arrangement for the Ethereum blockchain, has completed its Series A allotment round.

Funding Will Improve Ethereum’s Limitations

Boba Network has aloft $45 million in a Series A allotment round, putting its accepted absolute appraisal at $1.5 billion.

The annular complex about 400 participants including, Huobi, Sanctor Capital, and Hypersphere, amid others. Other participants accommodate founders of acclaimed crypto industry projects such as The Graph, Origin Protocol and ANKR.

Funds aloft will be spent on growing the activity aggregation and ecosystem through developer programs such as the Boba Accelerator. Grants, investments, and added funds will additionally advice the activity affected Ethereum’s computational limitations. 

Alan Chiu, the architect of the project, said that the fundraiser “is about architecture a broad-based accord to body the Boba ecosystem.”

He added that the assorted participants complex in the auction “[reinforce] our acceptance that what we’re architecture is important and necessary.”

What Is Boba Network?

As a Layer 2 network, Boba provides faster and cheaper affairs than Ethereum itself.

Boba Network additionally uses an access alleged Hybrid Compute to collaborate with systems that abide off-chain. In March, the activity aggregation deployed Turing Hybrid Compute to Ethereum’s mainnet, acceptance developers to body Web3 blockchain apps that adjure cipher accomplished on Web2 infrastructure.

The activity is additionally abaft one of the aboriginal bridges acceptance the alteration of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) from Layer 2 blockchains to Ethereum’s Layer 1 network.

The project’s babyminding badge (BOBA) currently has a bazaar cap of $285 mllion. At the time of publication, the badge had a amount of $1.83, bottomward 77.4% from its best aerial of $7.93 in November 2024.

Disclosure: At the time of writing, the columnist of this allotment endemic ETH and several added cryptocurrencies.