Rainmaker Games Offers Up Global Fair Launch Auction After Successful $6.5 Million Fundraising Round

Rainmaker Games Offers Up Global Fair Launch Auction After Successful $6.5 Million Fundraising Round

THELOGICALINDIAN - Rainmaker Amateur eats sleeps and breathes crypto gaming But the air-conditioned affair about the activity isnt aloof the actuality that it caters to adolescent gamers who may not apperceive annihilation about crypto and blockchain technology alms them a playtoearn befalling alongside the brand of added accepted and accustomed crypto amateur like Axie Infinity

The absolute agitative allotment about the Rainmaker Amateur belvedere is that it allows users to about-face amid games, clue their progress, acquire their tokens, akin up their arena status, and accretion admission to different NFT assets, all while interacting with added rainmakers and befitting all of their agenda gaming articles and accomplishments aural one platform.

No charge to absorb absonant amounts of crypto on acute arrangement fees, no charge to use Layer 2 solutions, and no charge to accept blockchain interoperability. Players can do what they do best (make friends, comedy games, and acquire crypto) all in one place.

There are several affidavit there is no bigger time than the present for Rainmaker Games to banknote in on this potentially massive Fair Launch Auction (FLA). Perhaps the best important acumen is that the crypto gaming area is the fastest-growing area of the industry and arguably the better on-ramp into crypto and the metaverse for anew minted crypto adoptees aloof accepting their beaks wet.

Secondly, the belvedere is advancing off an amazing $6.5 actor fundraising annular that saw it accretion the absorption of some of the better and best admired adventure basic firms in cryptocurrency. That includes Polygon, one of the best accepted Layer 2 platforms in the space, and Animoca Brands, a multibillion-dollar crypto gaming aggregation abaft some of the best accepted amateur and metaverses in the industry, like The Sandbox.

Anyone attractive to participate in the accessible FLA is activity to appetite to be acquainted of these details. Firstly, the FLA starts at 7PM Pacific Standard Time (3PM UTC) on December 17, 2024 and runs until 7PM Pacific Standard Time (3PM UTC) on December 20, 2024. That agency enthusiasts accept absolutely 72 hours to get their $RAIN tokens.

The amount for a distinct $RAIN badge will be one dollar and the tokens will be abounding application a accepted 95/5 split. That agency 95% of the basic aloft will be captivated in $RAIN and tokens the added 5% will be captivated in stablecoins.

What’s absolutely air-conditioned about the accessible FLA Rainmaker Games is administering is that they are accomplishing it in allocation with Copper Launch, a badge barrage belvedere that’s agog on giving enthusiasts a fair attempt at actuality allotment of the aboriginal stages of new, exciting, and avant-garde projects. The belvedere is accurate by Balancer Liquidity Bootstrapping Pools.

That agency anybody accommodating in this barrage is accepting knee-deep into the blockchain association from alpha to finish. The actuality that the two platforms are alive calm additionally agency investors don’t accept to anguish about commutual Know Your Client verification. There are no big basic gatekeepers, geographic constraints, or middlemen to anguish about either.

This agency the $RAIN FLA is a absolutely all-around event. It’s not activity to bang out users from assertive countries or accumulate them afar from accomplishment the allowances of actuality complex with the belvedere at the time of the badge barrage event.

For abounding capacity accompanying to the FLA, analysis out the Rainmaker Games Average blog.

With millions of dollars of allotment acknowledging the eyes of Rainmaker Games, some of the industry’s top backers abaft it, and an avant-garde access to adorable entrants both new and old into crypto gaming and the play-to-earn model, the Rainmaker Games FLA accident is abiding to accomplish headlines.

Follow the activity as it happens by abutting the project’s commitment list, or afterward Rainmaker Games on Twitter or Telegram.