Robots at the Ready – Mech Master IDO Sells Out and $MECH Hits the Market

Robots at the Ready – Mech Master IDO Sells Out and $MECH Hits the Market

THELOGICALINDIAN - The Mech Master Initial DEX Offering IDO has aloof launched to action the aboriginal of the alternate NFT amateur built-in MECH to the bazaar The badge auction was conducted via accepted DeFi and gaming accounts launchpads GameFi and Red Kite Shortly afterwards the IDOIGO the MECH badge was listed on PancakeSwap with a aerial of 105 26x At the time of autograph the MECH badge amount is 049 cartoon an ROI at 12x for our aboriginal supporters

Mech Master is a strategic, turn-based RPG congenital on the blockchain and based about customizable Mecha machines that charge do action with anniversary added in adjustment to assure their corresponding homelands. Players are incentivized with payouts and rewards for able play, acceptable games, hosting tournaments, renting NFTs and alike acknowledging added players’ battles.

Unique Mechas are accumulated by the gamer and again alveolate adjoin others in a alive action arena. Mechas, and the moon-based area aloft which they are based, can additionally be swapped and traded for added different variants via Mech Master’s gaming abridgement marketplace. $MECH tokens which are staked on the arrangement automatically akin up over time, accretion the abject akin of the Mechas and convalescent their battle-readiness.

In total, $100,000 account of $MECH tokens were awash via Gamefi and Red Kite; the above belvedere has accustomed itself as a one-stop-shop for all things associated with gaming finance, including a launchpad for new projects, a exchange for in-game items, and a ambit of added appearance accepted of a arresting blockchain gaming platform.

Red Kite, meanwhile, is a launchpad congenital on PolkaFoundry, and has alongside affinity beyond a ambit of altered networks acceptance badge holders to barter and collaborate beyond Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Polygon, and Polkadot. Projects launched via Red Kite are anxiously vetted for angary and actuality and are called based on a aerial accepted of addition and creativity.

Mech Master has appropriately far anchored accord or abetment from a cardinal of arresting investors in the cryptocurrency space, including AU21 Capital, Morningstar Ventures, Icetea Labs, and abundant others. The release’s circuitous 3D rendered bold ambiance represents a aboriginal in the blockchain gaming space, which, until now, has been inundated with amateur bearing, to put it mildly, sub-par graphics.

With its bigger graphical fidelity, accompanying with its built-in gaming accounts features, Mech Master bridges the gap amid the boilerplate gaming industry and that of the beginning blockchain and NFT space. Developed by a aggregation of crypto, gaming and IT veterans, the absolution aims to challenge the success of added immersive gamefi projects such as Alien Worlds and Axie Infinity.

As the post-IDO roadmap progresses the Mech Master aggregation welcomes any added comments or questions from badge holders and followers, who can ability out via official advice channels.