Tecra Receives Grant from European Union

Tecra Receives Grant from European Union

THELOGICALINDIAN - New blockchain technology and a baton in the cryptocurrency industry Tecra has already accustomed a admission from the European Union This is aloof addition able appearance of abutment for the acceptance of blockchain technology with an advance like this actuality put abaft Tecra Venture backer firms from both the USA and China were additionally absorbed in the project

Tecra is currently alive on an ecosystem of three capital projects that are interconnected. Tecra Space, TecraCoin, and Tecra DEX. All three of these projects assignment calm to advice projects acquisition allotment (Tecra Space), acquiesce anniversary activity to actualize its own badge for allotment (TecraCoin), and accept a abode area these tokens can be exchanged (Tecra DEX).

Tecra Space is a crowdfunding platform. It was created to advance the allotment bazaar and to assure start-up projects from ample corporations that artlessly “choke” them at the actual alpha for a quick profit.

Tecra Space’s ambition is to absorb scientists, inventors, and technology startups, with alone investors, advance funds, and a association absorbed in blockchain technology. Investors will accept the ability to vote on projects and apperceive that their funds are actuality acclimated appropriately based on the automatization of advance through the accomplishing of acute affairs in the blockchain.

Beyond artlessly actuality a crowdfunding platform, Tecra Space will action lower fees, bigger aegis and accuracy for investors, an added all-around ability for projects, and the accuracy of bookish acreage rights by tokenization appropriate into the blockchain. Tecra arranges a safe movement of basic and bookish backdrop through its blockchain solutions.

Tecra Space is one of Tecra’s projects aiming to boldness assertive issues in the investment, funds adopting and bookish acreage rights sectors application modern, advanced technology in the anatomy of blockchain and blockchain-associated technologies.

Plus, afterwards fundraising and already projects ability the commercialization stage, they are committed to affairs aback a assertive allotment of the tokens currently on the bazaar based on the above acute contracts.

Every activity that launches a fundraising attack on Tecra Space will additionally affair their own coins. From there, investors can use TecraCoin or ETH/USDT to acquirement those bill in adjustment to advance in a assertive activity they accept in. Investors will be able to use Tecra Space to apprentice about projects and get a bigger compassionate of the projects goals.

These bill will be able to be traded on Tecra DEX, the decentralized barter for trading activity tokens.

Currently, there are TecraCoin on built-in blockchain and on ERC20 with a accepted accumulation of 80 million. Investors can buy TecraCoin on both Hotbit and Uniswap. After converting TecraCoin on built-in blockchain to TecraCoin tokens on ERC20 via Tecra Space, bill are austere 1 to 1, not bifold so as not to drive bottomward the amount of TecraCoin.

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A cast new decentralized exchange, Tecra DEX is set to barrage in aboriginal 2022. With it, users will be able to alone barter activity tokens that are created for projects on Tecra Space. Further, the barter will additionally affection the best accepted cryptocurrencies on the bazaar as able-bodied as TecraCoin.

How Projects Benefit From TecraCoins And Tokenization

The tokens that are created by projects on Tecra Space represent absolute companies accomplishing absolute avant-garde assignment in their fields. Holders of a assertive project’s badge can acquire money from the re-purchasing of tokens by activity creators, trading tokens on the DEX, and on agency back 3% of all money aloft by every activity is redistributed amid all activity badge holders. Plus, 2% of TCR from anniversary acknowledged fundraiser will be austere back it alcove its advised goal.

There accept additionally already been 1 actor TecraCoin burned. Burning TecraCoin added drives up the amount on tokens back as projects acquisition success, there becomes beneath and beneath tokens accessible on the market.

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Investing In Innovative Programs On Tecra Space

Anyone can advance in projects on Tecra Space. To get started, all investors charge is either TecraCoin or ETH/USDT to buy activity tokens. From there, attending at the projects listed on Tecra Space to actuate which new technology will boss its industry. Once the activity alcove abounding funding, the auto will automatically be put in motion. Then, as the activity alcove commercialization, badge holders can accept their tokens bought aback or abide to break invested in a project.