Why 2024 Will Be the Year of Cross-Chain?

Why 2024 Will Be the Year of Cross-Chain?

THELOGICALINDIAN - 2024 was the year in which DeFi took the blockchain apple by storm While the blow of the planet will best acceptable bethink 2024 as the year of COVID19 and lockdown crypto enthusiasts will additionally bethink it as the year of crypto lending borrowing clamminess mining and the muchreported aloft Total Volume Locked TVL blueprint That was not after acceptable acumen about as in 2024 the TVL in DeFi protocols grew from 675M to 162B

Other genitalia of DeFi additionally performed able-bodied as the dollar amount of stablecoins rose from $5B at the alpha of the year to $26.4B. It wasn’t all acceptable account for decentralized finance, however, as the Ethereum chainopoly which amateur the aggregate of DeFi was placed beneath added stress, with transaction times slowing to a standstill and gas fees rocketing. Average transaction costs on the arrangement acicular in 2020 from a few cents at the actual alpha of the year to over $12 in September. This in about-face led to a cardinal of projects touting cross-chain technology as a abiding solution, overextension the weight beyond assorted blockchains.

The Rise of Cross-chain

Although cross-chain technology has been brought into accurate focus acknowledgment to the ascent challenges faced by Ethereum, it is by no agency the alone use case for cross-chain or the acumen why it will boss the advancing year. Interoperability has been an aspiration aural blockchain for a ample time, and now the technology is assuredly communicable up to its ideals.

One of the projects abacus ample drive to the cross-chain trend is Fire Protocol, developed on the Huobi Smart Eco Chain. Fire Protocol uses cross-chain technology to accompany hundreds of agenda assets to the Huobi ecosystem. A DEX dubbed FireSwap is additionally allotment of the alms and provides cross-chain asset wrapping, which is of accurate accent in abbreviation the ache on busy networks such as Ethereum. Fire Protocol is additionally backed by its own proprietary FIRE token, which is acclimated to ability allurement mechanisms such as association proposals and for user voting.

PlasmaPay is addition appearing DeFi activity extolling cross-chain technology. The online cyberbanking arrangement and DeFi aggregator accept always pushed the bulletin that in adjustment to accompany DeFi to the added accessible the area cannot await on one alternation alone. When PlasmaPay’s cross-chain HyperLoop is launched in 2021 it will accompany a growing cardinal of cross-chain solutions including Matic.


Beyond the admiration to aerate the ability of DeFi, cross-chain technology and interoperability is at the actual affection of a cardinal of next-generation blockchain networks. Cosmos and Polkadot are amid the best accepted of these. Cosmos Arrangement promises “the best able ecosystem of affiliated blockchains”, for which they accept coined the byword Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC). The abstraction is intriguing, and a cardinal of projects are already developing on these including IRISnet, e-Money, Sentinel, and Agreements Network. Binance arrangement has additionally congenital on Cosmos technology but it is cryptic to what amount Binance has accepted the abstraction of interoperability at this stage.

Polkadot is the cross-chain band-aid developed by Ethereum co-creator Gavin Wood. Such is the able full-blooded and ambit of the activity it was afresh accustomed as the “Ethereum killer” by Bloomberg. Whether Polkadot can alive up to that announcement or not, there is affluence of affirmation to advance that 2021 will be the year of cross-chain.

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