
"There Will Only Be One" - an Interview With Viabtc Founder Yang Haipo

THELOGICALINDIAN - Back in August Viabtc architect Yang Haipo was one of the aboriginal accessible abstracts to acknowledge Bitcoin Banknote is Bitcoin His barter Viabtc was one of the aboriginal to account bitcoin banknote BCH which was heavily criticized by Chinese automated players for actuality controlled by Bitmain Now Haipo is planning his new business Coinex a cryptocrypto barter that alone pairs agenda assets adjoin BCH In an account with newsBitcoincom Yang Haipo Yang aggregate his thoughts about the antecedent angle alms IFO craze

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An Interview with Viabtc Founder Yang Haipo

The IFOs Craze (BC): If you anticipate BCH is bitcoin, do you anticipate added angled bill are additionally bitcoin?

Yang: In a ample sense, they are because they angled from the aboriginal BTC chain. But in a attenuated sense, Satoshi’s whitepaper authentic that bitcoin is a associate to associate cyberbanking banknote system. And clearly, alone BCH is in band with the eyes of Satoshi. It is the absolute bitcoin.

BC: You beggarly the whitepaper is the sole criterion?

Yang: Exactly. Satoshi created bitcoin to advance it into a anatomy of money, a broadly acclimated acquittal system, alike a all-around currency. The accepted adaptation of BTC is alone a abundance of value. Its amount increases because of added advance from new participants. Isn’t it basically a Ponzi scheme?

BC: One of the better advantages of bitcoin is its abundance of amount brought about in allotment by its scarcity. But now we accept added bill with a 21 actor limit, added address the name of bitcoin. Do you anticipate this is aggrandizement in disguise? Is bitcoin still allowed to inflation?

Yang: I don’t anticipate this is inflation. Just like our breed is the alone animal aberration afterwards our abutting ancestors died out, there will alone be one bitcoin that can boss the all-around acquittal system. The cryptocurrency industry is still in its aboriginal date with bitcoin, and altcoins aggressive for bazaar share. But alone one bread will end up with the better bazaar cap or the accomplished price. It will be alleged bitcoin, and its best administration will still be 21 million.

BC: Coinex, your new exchange, is to accessible at the end of this month. Will it account all angled bill and administer them to users? Or is there a standard, for example, of not advertisement pre-mined coins?

Yang: Coinex will account boilerplate cryptocurrencies like BTC, ETH, BCH, LTC, ZEC, DASH. I alone acceptable bodies to angle bitcoin and assignment on altered roadmaps. But we don’t abutment bent and absurd bill like Bitcoin Gold (BTG) and Bitcoin God (GOD).

An Interview with Viabtc Founder Yang Haipo


BC: Proponents of BCH appetite it to be acclimated as a acquittal system, but LTC has continued been accustomed as the bread for baby payments. It has low fees and fast confirmations. Do you anticipate BCH can attempt with LTC as an another acquittal solution?

Yang: BCH has two advantages, beyond user abject and an accessible scalability. Firstly, BCH has the aforementioned user abject as BTC. If you analysis at reddit and bitcoin talk, you will acquisition that BCH supporters are added alive than that of LTC. These supporters will appetite added exchanges and wallet casework to abutment BCH, and accomplish it the best acknowledged coin.

BC: LTC’s roadmap gives antecedence to the lightning arrangement and diminutive swap. The BCH association seems to not accept a affiliated roadmap. There were rumors about RSK actuality included in BCH, but annihilation official anytime came about. What do you anticipate should be the development roadmap for BCH?

Yang: The BCH association is actual bright about its roadmap, scale to accomplish bitcoin a abundant anatomy of money. The abstruse feature, lightning network, sounds fancy, but it is absolutely aloof old wine in a new bottle. Users charge to save their assets to a account provider of a lightning arrangement node. Isn’t it absolutely like what we accept now, extenuative money at banks? What’s confusing about it? Bitcoin is a abundant apparatus that allows everybody to be his own bank. BCH will accomplish abiding users can alteration bill with low fees on the BCH alternation and be their own bank.

BC: Do you believe, as some big blockers do, that Core developers assignment on offchain affairs to aerate the bread-and-butter interests of Blocksteam?

Yang: There are no adamantine facts to abutment such a cabal theory. But unless Core developers leave Blockstream and don’t accept their funds, these types of cabal theories will abide about Core.

An Interview with Viabtc Founder Yang HaipoBC: Litecoin architect Charlie Lee had been emphasizing he wants to focus on development, not marketing. But aftermost anniversary he tweeted that LTC would alpha alive on promotion. Do you anticipate the BCH association has done abundant marketing? And it seems like BCH has a babyminding problem. It’s been four months, but BCH still doesn’t accept a accepted logo.

Yang: It’s funny that Charlie aloof wants to focus on development, but all he does is marketing. I accept business is a charge for all businesses. Each and every bread is a brand. The cast name can accomplish added amount if added bodies apperceive about it. The enactment of the Bitcoin Cash Fund (BCF) will accomplish the business and advance allotment added able and organized. And I don’t anticipate BCH has a babyminding botheration aloof because it doesn’t accept a accepted logo. LTC was created by Charlie Lee, so Charlie has the final say on its logo. But BCH was not created by a accurate alone or a company. It represents a decentralized association area users, designers and exchanges accept their own compassionate on BCH. Some appetite its logo to be gold, some appetite it to be green. They charge to altercate for a while afore a accommodation is made.

An Interview with Viabtc Founder Yang Haipo


BC: BCH supporters accept been aback and alternating about the cast of bitcoin. You were the aboriginal to acknowledge that BCH is bitcoin in the Chinese community. Later Jihan Wu tweeted that “America is not England, Bitcoin Cash is not Bitcoin.” This October, Roger ver and Jiang Zhuoer said alone the big block bread BCH is the absolute bitcoin as well. But this Tuesday Jihan Wu acquaint on Weibo that Core’s addition and aesthetics on the BTC alternation should be accustomed and supported. I appetite to apperceive how you appearance the cast war amid BCH and BTC.

Yang: The key to the cast war involves what is bitcoin ultimately. I accept Jihan believes the BTC alternation is authentic by Core and Blockstream; if they accept BTC is bitcoin, again let them focus on BTC. Me, Roger and Jiang Zhuoer, we accept alone the big block bread is bitcoin. BCH and BTC represent two altered roadmaps and philosophies. If Core took their words aback and absitively to scale, I would not abutment them because we already accept BCH. But if they absolutely adjudge to scale, I accept they ability accomplish due to their influence.

BC: The media generally equates bitcoin with speculation. It seems that BCH ability additionally accept this problem. I apperceive some bitcoiners who ask me if I “wanna accomplish money?” They acquaint me to “buy BCH. It has a account pump-and-dump.” Why does BCH amount alter so wildly?

Yang: About pump and dump, abounding bitcoiners anticipate the bitcoin bazaar is aloof like the banal bazaar area big whales, bankers dispense the market. In fact, no distinct being will be able to ascendancy such a huge market. And aboriginal adopters abhorrence anniversary added these days, and so they will not assignment to dispense the market.

BC: If you anticipate BTC development is centralized, don’t you anticipate BCH mining is additionally centralized?

Yang: Only three Core developers accept the appropriate to abide BTC code. In added words, three developers ascertain what is bitcoin. This is centralization. However, the BCH activity has Bitcoin ABC, Bitcoin Unlimited, Bitcoin XT and added development teams that are absolute from any companies. As for mining centralization, automated players tend to balloon a simple fact: it’s not Bitmain that dominates the market, it’s their articles themselves acceptable in the market. Bitmain leads in the miner business because it altogether integrates manufacturing, accumulation chain, sales, aircraft and after-sales services. In addition, China is home to the world’s better bitcoin mining abstracts centers for its bargain labour and low electricity fees, which makes it accessible to alpha a miner business with a baby investment. I apprehend to see added miner manufacturers in the advancing months. Bitmain will not boss the bazaar in the abreast future.

An Interview with Viabtc Founder Yang Haipo

BCH Priced Exchange Coinex

BC: The new barter Coinex will use BCH as the abject currency. Why accord up BTC?

Yang: We will accept no aggressive bend over our rivals if we alpha yet addition BTC-priced exchange. So why not actualize an barter that alone pairs agenda assets adjoin BCH? It’s both creating history and alluring BCH supporters. And I am actual assured about the approaching of BCH. It’s absolutely huge to be the world’s aboriginal BCH-priced exchange.

BC: When Viabtc listed BCH in August, abounding Chinese users said that Viabtc was “controlled” by Bitmain. Is the new barter additionally “controlled” by Bitmain?

Yang: Nobody controls us. Bitmain is aloof our business partner. We accept the final say in accommodation making, not Bitmain. Since Bitmain invested in our absolute company, it’s not aberrant they are additionally an broker in Coinex, one of the articles of our company.

BC: After China’s ban on ICOs and exchanges, Huobi, Okex and added exchanges see themselves as across companies, admitting their advisers assignment in acreage China. Is Coinex an across exchange? What is the aggregation accomplishing to administer authoritative risks?

Yang: Coinex will be an across exchange. It is registered in London. And we additionally accept an appointment in Hong Kong. Our analysis and development aggregation is still in Shenzhen, but we plan to move it away and accomplish Coinex a 100% across exchange.

What do you anticipate of Yang’s answers? Leave your comments below!

Images via Shutterstock, Coinex and Weibo.

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