Lucrosus Capital CEO Piotr Barbachowski Explains the Benefits of Decentralized Venture Capital

Lucrosus Capital CEO Piotr Barbachowski Explains the Benefits of Decentralized Venture Capital

THELOGICALINDIAN - Lucrosus Capital is the aboriginal gamified Decentralized Venture Capital DeVC accouterment institutional allowances to alone investors through its own badge Tokenization accustomed this activity to absolutely accomplish advance decentralized Due to the appliance of different blockchain appearance investments will be attainable with basically no beginning as able-bodied as will be bearding Everyone who holds the LUCA badge will be able to booty advantage of utilities like absolute and aberrant acknowledgment on investments fabricated by Lucrosus Capital

Piotr Barbachowski is the Founder and CEO of Lucrosus Capital. He afresh abutting the News Podcast to allocution about the allowances of DeVC:

Lucrosus Capital CEO Piotr Barbachowski Explains the Benefits of Decentralized Venture Capital

Piotr is a accelerating cryptocurrency broker and miner with added than 5 years of experience. Having developed blockchain projects with valuations beyond $70 million. Focused on bringing tokenization, the approaching of avant-garde finance, into the mainstream. Delighted to abutment the best advocate blockchain solutions. Passionate about electric advancement and the real-estate market.

To apprentice added about the allowances of DeVC appointment the Lucrosus Capital website.

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