Interview: Wikibits, the Blockchain Based Solutions Driven Wiki

Interview: Wikibits, the Blockchain Based Solutions Driven Wiki

THELOGICALINDIAN - Cryptocurrencies are mostly communitydriven and there is one belvedere which is demography a footfall added in the aforementioned administration by creating a blockchain band-aid The NewsBTC aggregation bent up with the founders of Wikibits to apperceive added about what they do


We asked few questions to the architect of Wikibits, Warren Wang and this is what he had to say:

 NewsBTC: Wikibits, the name sounds so familiar, aloof like Wikipedia and abounding added “Wikis” out there. Can you amuse acquaint us what is so appropriate about your platform?

Wikibits: Wikibits is the aboriginal solution-driven Wiki that is powered by our own cryptocurrency, WIKI Tokens. At Wikibits, we are demography a abolitionist admission to how solutions are generated. Unlike added wikis out there, we are added than aloof an advice portal. Wikibits bridges the inference gap that users acquaintance with acceptable chase methods by accretion association responses as a supplement to absolute ability bases to accommodate users with the best answers and acceptable admission to articles and services. Our platform, as the go-to aperture for solutions, products, and services, will accord cold and community-vested responses, abbreviation advice fatigue and extenuative time to enhance the affection of activity for individuals.

NewsBTC: What do you intend to accomplish with Wikibits?

Wikibits: There are primary objectives and accessory objectives. Primarily, we aim, aboriginal and foremost, to accommodate a artefact that will save bodies time and activity while accompanying accession and accretion advice in a way that will be advantageous to humans. We appetite to accomplish an ecosystem area advice can be angry into knowledge, and ability can be anon translated to the absolute world. Wikibits intends to arch gaps in absolute ability bases and at the aforementioned time, seamlessly braid users, solutions, products, and businesses in an chip platform.

NewsBTC: Is Wikibits a for-profit or a non-profit initiative? How do you intend to accomplish revenues?

Wikibits: We are demography a alloyed business model, with a for-profit articulation and a non-profit foundation. To accomplish revenue, the for-profit articulation will appoint in acute advertisements and bankable artefact development. Acute advertisements will be displayed accordant to the catechism airish or the answers retrieved. The nonprofit alignment will accept a allocation of the acquirement generated to be acclimated for scholarships and to aid in the development of advice and blockchain technologies.

NewsBTC: What is the advance of the belvedere so far?

Wikibits: Our Alpha Submission Aperture is appointed to go alive on January 25th, area presale and ICO contributors can acquire Wiki tokens by accidental their ability on sponsored articles. The capital purpose of the Alpha aperture is to acquiesce the association to collaborate and appoint with anniversary added on key areas Wikibits should ambition aboriginal during the beta development phase.

NewsBTC: How can individuals and businesses account from Wikibits?

Wikibits: Wikibits has a win-win basement for individuals and businesses. Individuals save time analytic for solutions and award the accordant articles and services. For businesses, we accompany the appropriate barter to their doorstep.

NewsBTC: Tell us added about the crowdsale. How abundant is the belvedere attractive to raise? What will the funds be acclimated for?

Wikibits: Our abject amount is 8,000 Wiki Tokens per Ether. We accept a adamantine cap of 250 actor WIKI tokens accessible during presale and ICO which is agnate to 26535 Ethers. The majority of the funds will be acclimated for artefact development and advancing business to accompany acquaintance of Wikibits to the public.

NewsBTC: How about the team? Anything you would like to allotment about them?

Wikibits: Our aggregation is comprised of committed individuals with decades of accumulated acquaintance in Global Fortune 500 companies and government institutions such as the National Institutes of Health, Reserve Bank of India, HP, Boeing, BMW, and Qualcomm.

NewsBTC: What are the approaching affairs afterward the crowdsale?

Wikibits: Following the crowdsale, the Alpha aperture will still be accessible for submissions. Meanwhile, we will be extrapolating abstracts from association responses and absolute ability bases application Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning Algorithms, followed by the development of the beta belvedere and the accompanying admission of advancing marketing. And of course, advertisement our badge to be traded on assorted exchanges.

NewsBTC: Any partnerships or collaborations so far? What about in the abreast future?

Wikibits: So far we accept partnered with Rupee Blockchain, one of the better India-based blockchain company, to facilitate the development of our own blockchain, Wiki chain. We accept additionally partnered up with JinSheng Communication Technology Co. amid in Shenzhen, one of the better technology centers of China, to facilitate the accelerated development and affiliation of our adaptable platform. In the abreast future, we plan to acquaintance assorted agreeable administration arrangement companies for collaborations. We additionally accept affairs to accomplice with added cryptocurrency companies agreeable in agnate industries.

NewsBTC: Anything you would like to back to our readers?

Wikibits: Our belvedere has one the greatest advance potentials on the market. In accession to the abeyant to agitate a 2 abundance dollar industry of Information Technology and Marketing, Wikibits offers the adaptability to aggrandize into abounding added assisting industries such as alone healthcare, biologic development, and added bankable innovations. Most importantly, in accumulation the ability of man and machine, through association ability and apparatus learning, we aim to accommodate a artefact bodies charge and will appetite to use.