The Rise and Fall of Matic Network

The Rise and Fall of Matic Network

THELOGICALINDIAN - The badge absent 73 percent of amount in a few abbreviate hours

Matic Network, a sidechain-based ascent band-aid for accessible blockchains, saw its built-in badge accelerate over 300 percent back backward September. The move appears to be activated with a beachcomber of developments that were advised to aggrandize the token’s utility. Over the aftermost few hours though, its amount comatose over 70 percent amidst fears of an avenue scam.

The Rise

On Sep. 30, Matic Network announced the absolution of the β-mainnet. This is a additional band band-aid alive on top of the Ethereum agreement area developers can calmly body and analysis their abounding end-to-end applications. 

The absolution was abundantly welcomed by the developer association which began deploying their projects to the Matic mainnet. During this time, MATIC surged over 76 percent to ability a aerial $0.0177 on Oct. 11. 

Among the projects brief to Matic Network, the one that created added fizz about the association was Battle Racers. This is a blockchain-based arcade antagonism game. 

In mid-November, Altitude Games, the aggregation abaft Battle Racers, revealed that the bold will be switched to a new sidechain congenital by Matic Network. All of the Battle Racers non-fungible tokens, including crates and car parts, would be automatically migrated. In addition, the aggregation launched the auction of Season 1 crates with in-game items accessible in Gold, Silver, Bronze, and Wood varieties.

Following the announcement, MATIC attempt up 215 percent. This cryptocurrency went from trading at a low of $0.0136 on Nov. 15 to a aerial of $0.0427 on Dec. 8.

The Fall

Despite the exponential bullish actuation apparent over the aftermost few weeks, Matic Network’s badge afresh took a nosedive. 

MATIC plunged over 73 percent in the aftermost than 24 hours to ability a low of $0.0112. 

The abatement is acceptable to accept been a acknowledgment to allegations fabricated by Samuel Gosling, the architect of the free crypto appraisal belvedere Validity. He believed that the Matic Network Foundation had transferred 1.5 billion MATIC to Binance in the aftermost 50 days. He argued that the Foundation was aggravating to cash 15 percent of the absolute supply, account over $67 million.

Binance CEO, Changpeng Zhao, dedicated its launchpad alumni by attributing the abatement to bottomless agitation affairs amid investors. 

“Our aggregation is still investigating the data, but it’s already bright that the MATIC aggregation has annihilation to do with it. A cardinal of big traders panicked, causing a cycle. Going to be a boxy alarm on how abundant an barter should baffle with people’s trading,” he tweeted.

Later on, the Matic Network aggregation issued an official statement advertence the bottomward advance to allegations of a “FUD account.”

Gosling after recanted on his findings, noting:

“It turns out it was alone 381,903,830 MATIC (3 percent of the supply) that “seems” has been liquidated, I fabricated a miscalculation and included inputs as able-bodied as outputs in my computation.”

Now that the “FUD” has been austere out, MATIC bounced aback over 80 percent and is currently trading about $0.0203. Nevertheless, that is able-bodied beneath its antecedent levels.

Moving Forward

Even admitting the Matic Network aggregation claims that the sell-off was mainly triggered by Gosling’s allegations, there are those who altercate it was due to low liquidity. Alex Krüger, a acclaimed analyst in the crypto community, believes that a conflict amid advertise and buy orders could accept acquired the plunge. 

“What happened with MATIC can appear to any token. It would be actual hasty for it to appear to the ample caps, but it can still happen. Adjust affairs aggregate by bazaar cap or adjustment book liquidity, and presto. Hence why crypto is Traders’ Paradise, Investors’ Hell,” explained Krüger.

Regardless of the affidavit abaft it, this is a active archetype of the risks of cryptocurrency trading. It’s important to use accoutrement such as stop-loss orders, and canonizing to alter portfolios to anticipate massive losses.