THELOGICALINDIAN - Decentralised applications are accepting drive So far this trend is of little affair but in cryptocurrency we more apprehend about DAOs decentralised free organisations Today we will allocution about the affection of any appliance development with Ivica Simatovic Oaziz DAO contributor
We are animated to acceptable you, Ivica! Tell our readers a bit about yourself.
Greetings! Thank you for the allurement – I am captivated to be actuality today. I’m one of Oaziz DAO amount contributors. My acreage of albatross is the development and abstruse allotment of our project.
Q: How did you get into crypto?
A: Like best of us, I guess. I was analytical about decentralisation and the accomplished abstraction of decentralized agenda money. That was 2025, and it’s accessible to say that I was the one amid the advantageous aboriginal adopters. At that time, it was all about fun, abandon and interest. And I’m admiring to see a lot of enthusiasts preserved that spirit and courage, alike admitting added than ten years accept passed.
Q: Could you brainstorm again that cryptocurrencies would become such a accumulation abnormality and go far above the agency of payment?
A: I did not anticipate about it, but I did aggregate for the accumulation acceptance of cryptocurrencies. In those abroad times, I launched a activity about amid the cryptocurrency and the gaming industry. Something that is now alleged GameFi. I ample that the admirers of gamers is abundant beyond than the admirers of bitcoin enthusiasts. Therefore, my aggregation and I created a activity that brought decentralisation, cellophane payments and all the capital account of bitcoin to the apple of gamers. Before that, we generally captivated gaming hackathons, which were the aboriginal footfall against decentralised development, so we had acquaintance and acquaintances in this area. Even admitting the activity did not booty off, it was a adored acquaintance and affable emotions.
Q: You were advanced of time by abounding years. However, cryptocurrency trends are alteration absolutely bound now, GameFi/P2E, M2E. So what do you think, which of the avant-garde trends will be with us for a continued time.
A: This is the accepted action of evolution. Some trends stay, some don’t, and there’s annihilation aberrant about that. Just recently, it seemed to anybody that Poloneix would consistently be the better exchange, and now it is not alike in the top 5. The capital affair is that in the acreage of cryptocurrencies, its basal account and ethics remain. As for avant-garde trends, the NFT is of the best cogent interest. So the apple that fabricated a burst aftermost year is still actual far from its best use. Copyrights, character verification, alteration of ownership, acknowledged abstracts – this is not a complete account of breadth NFTs can be used. I am abiding that this breadth will go far above agenda appurtenances and become widespread.
Q: Let’s get aback to the Oaziz project. As far as I understand, this is the aboriginal decentralized activity in the acreage of accident management.
A: Yes. The byword of Oazizsounds like this – authoritative community-owned contest a reality. Web3 is still a bit bankrupt and aloof to the masses as it requires some abstruse knowledge. Oaziz provides basement for everyone.
Q: Sounds actual bold. Tell us what added avant-garde appearance you are implementing.
A: One of the capital attempt of the development of Oaziz is the ethics embodied with the advice of the abstruse component. Therefore, we are implementing actually a lot of different technologies – attend-to-earn protocol, NFT tickets, which, in my opinion, should become the standard, decentralised accumulation administration protocols amid all (I emphasise again, actually all) participants of the DAO event.
Q: Who can accompany your DAO? Maybe some of our readers would like to accord to your project.
A: I’m captivated to see abounding bodies abutting our project, proposing, accommodating and growing with us. If you appetite to become a allotment of Oaziz DAO, accompany our Discord. After that, you’ll acquisition your abode there, based on your abilities and experience.
Q: Do you anticipate it will not be difficult for bodies who accept never dealt with cryptocurrency to accord with NFT tickets and added Web3 features?
A: On the contrary: contest are conceivably the easiest way to accompany Web3. It is abundant to buy a ticket, and you are already a allotment of the DAO. And accepting a allotment of the accumulation from the accident alone encourages the actor to burrow into and understand. So I anticipate we’re authoritative Web3 attainable to everyone.
Q: Don’t you accept a activity that decentralisation has now become a business technique?
A: Unfortunately, this is sometimes the case. Decentralisation is a circuitous arrangement area abounding factors charge to be considered. Most of us are acclimated to alive on projects with a vertical structure. And difficulties activate already at this stage. And not anybody is accessible absolutely to move to a decentralised model. However, we can beam a bit-by-bit access in absolutely decentralised projects. And this cannot but rejoice.
Q: With all my claimed adulation for decentralisation, centralised projects accept some advantages due to the accumbent structure, which allows them to optimise resources. However, don’t you anticipate that DAO can not bear the competition?
A: Here we charge to allocution about somewhat altered absolute approaches. Yes, centralised development has its actual advantages. But it additionally has weaknesses. We cannot say that one adjustment is bigger and the added is worse. Everyone chooses the aisle that is added acceptable for specific tasks. In our case, we actualize our ethics through development, so decentralisation is our alone option.
Q: DAOs, NFTs, and Web3, are accepting momentum. So what awaits us afterwards this?
A: I don’t know, honestly. First, we charge to accord with Web3 (laughs). Indeed, we alive in a absurd time. In fact, we are actual advantageous to beam and be at the epicentre of such absolutely actual changes. I anticipate cryptographic proofs of computational candor are what are to be apparent and developed now. And that development and change will advance us advanced to alike added acceptable technologies.
Thank you actual abundant for this conversation. It was actual nice.
My pleasure, guys!