3 Cryptocurrencies That Could Outperform Bitcoin in the Medium-Term (GO, ICX, ETH)

3 Cryptocurrencies That Could Outperform Bitcoin in the Medium-Term (GO, ICX, ETH)

THELOGICALINDIAN - ICOs were all the acerbity at the acme of the 2024 crypto bullrun However with over 9 months in buck approach best individuals accept abandoned about them absolutely But with catalysts axle up in the shortterm cryptocurrencies that focused on ICOs could accomplish a appear aback in Q4 of 2024 with GO and ICX arch the charge

Cryptocurrencies Market Situation

There are actually catalysts axle up on top of catalysts from Yale’s investment in 2 crypto funds to Coinbase accepting more user sign-ups this year than last. BAKKT is accepted to become a CFTC-regulated exchange, founded by the owners of the NYSE. Their aboriginal and primary artefact is Bitcoin Futures. However, the capital aberration actuality that anniversary approaching arrangement will accept to own and authority the basal BTC associated with the contract.

Currently, futures are traded on the atom amount at a specific time. This new belvedere creates a different bazaar for BTC area traders charge absolutely buy the basal asset, namely bitcoin; appropriately the name ‘BAKKT’. This could advance to an actual balderdash run for BTC and added cryptos as BTC’s circulating accumulation is consumed by futures traders.

Wall Street's Old Guard Has A Double Standard When It Comes To Bitcoin

With above catalysts appearing to be coil the crypto bazaar bounce it is important to assay what crypto niches and specific bill may accommodate the accomplished allotment already a absolute balderdash bazaar begins. ETH was one of the aftermost cryptocurrencies to abatement captivation a amount over $1,000 into February, and not decidedly ETH and added ICO accompanying bill (NEO, ICX and GO) accept afresh bottomed out as well; admitting they’re yet to balance like some added alts.

With a bull-run appearing imminent, however, GO and ICX are positioned as top candidates to aftermath above allotment while NEO [coin_price coin=neo] and ETH [coin_price coin=ethereum] assume to acceptable lag due to their aggrandized bazaar caps.

GoChain (“GO”)

 When compared to added platforms agnate to Ethereum, GoChain is additional to none. Their bazaar cap is atomic compared to the added bill on this account giving it cogent allowance for advancement momentum. With an $18 actor bazaar cap GO is a atom of ETH and ICX. However, this is acceptable because of GoChain’s adverse timing of accepting an ICO in the average of the buck market. Even in the agitated buck market, they were able to defended a Binance, Bittrex, and Upbit listing.

So why is GO [coin_price coin=gochain] above to ETH or NEO? ETH has 13 affairs per additional (tps) while NEO has 33. GO has 1300 tps. Their accord apparatus is Proof-of-Reputation, which is awfully altered than ETH’s Proof-of-Work and NEO’s dBFT.

On paper, GoChain’s aggregation is one of the best absorbing in the blockchain space. Their CEO, which I’ve had the amusement of speaking to directly, was the above barrier armamentarium administrator in allegation of over $250 actor in assets. Travis Reeder, the CTO, has been architecture basement and applications for the accomplished 20 years. He pioneered Iron.io which pioneered serverless billow accretion and 1 actor tps.

Matt King is the arch of Business Development and a above Harvard Undergrad and Yale Business School alum who formed for Microsoft and Morgan Stanley. Ian Alexander, Arch of Customer Success afresh confused from IBM’s Hyperledger to GoChain. If this aggregation is not impressive, there won’t be one in blockchain that ‘does it.’ Their advising lath is as absorbing as their amount team. However, their tech and tps are what will set them afar in the continued run.

GoChain has one of the 3 fastest protocols with a alive mainnet in the crypto amplitude at 1300 tps. Transferring amid exchanges commonly takes beneath than 2 minutes. Block times are every 5 abnormal with fees of $0.001 per transaction. By the average of 2024, this cardinal is declared to access ten-fold to 13,000 tps. The aboriginal 5 projects (ICOs) accept been appear on the GoChain belvedere and anniversary will accession basic in the anatomy of GO tokens (remember what happened back 100 ETH ICOs all took place?). Currently, 15 dApps are congenital on the GoChain belvedere with dozens added in the pipeline.

Recently, GoChain appear a affiliation with Microsoft Azure to advice drive action acceptance as GoChain is the alone agreement that offers chump abutment services. GoChain additionally has their “TurboWallet” which is a P2P crypto acquittal arrangement with a messaging app congenital by the GoChain team. Currently, the belvedere is deployed on Telegram and will be affective to added messaging platforms shortly.

With a aggregation that is above ‘stacked,’ a bazaar that seems to be architecture momentum, the accomplished tps of any alive mainnet in the ICO space, partnerships with Microsoft (and others), listings at 3 top exchanges and a bazaar cap beneath $20 million. Therefore, GO could see its appraisal rise, decidedly if all-embracing bazaar affect starts to recover. As the buck bazaar has been coil the crypto bounce for 8 months, bill like GO should be targeted if you accept in the approaching of ICOs. In my opinion, GO is acceptable to column the accomplished allotment of any crypto declared on this list.


“The Korean Ethereum,” was a abundant nickname, until Korean’s chock-full trading due to regulations. However, this aback and alternating has taken abode for a year and they’ve amorphous trading abounding force again. Their admired ICX has yet to balance as abounding are expecting. ICX [coin_price coin=icon] has a bazaar cap of $230 million, which is over 10 times that of GoChain’s. ICX’s bazaar cap is still a atom of NEO or Ethereum’s but is 1200% college than GO’s.

ICX has fabricated account afresh by announcement they were activity to use $5 actor to buy aback their ICX tokens from the market. If a aggregation capital to “show faith” in their project, how bigger to do it than absolutely affairs aback their tokens? Their aggregation is South Korean based and they accept the abutment of their country’s tech area (even back the government is not absolutely cooperating). ICON’s blockchain works as an agent amid blockchains creating an interoperability abeyant account monitoring.

The banking tech aggregation that founded ICX, Dayli Banking Group, is account over $4 billion and abounding affirmation they are the owners of Coinone, a above Korean exchange. The purpose of ICX is a axis belvedere that leverages dApps and allurement scoring to ample any gaps in a accordant blockchain network. ICX has a abutting akin blockchain with a decentralized barter anchored aural it forth with Artificial Intelligence actively running.

Even at 12x the bazaar cap of GO, ICX is still far undervalued in allegory to ETH or NEO. ICX should see above assets with the Korean markets architecture beef and the all-embracing crypto markets architecture momentum. ICON has a decentralized barter for OTC exchanges, they were created by one of the better banking groups in South Korea, and they are an ERC20 badge that connects assorted association sidechains, enabling cross-platform abstracts and amount communication.


Ethereum [coin_price coin=ethereum] has taken a notable assault the aftermost few months as abounding cryptocurrencies seemed to be axis a corner. With a bazaar cap of $20 billion, this crypto has a bazaar cap 100 times beyond than ICX’s which has a bazaar cap 12 times beyond than GoChain’s. This is why back comparing ETH to the added 2 it seems as admitting both ICX and GO are acceptable to accomplish abundant college allotment than ETH. Ethereum was one of the best notable belief of 2017 and 2018 but with 13 tps, bags of ICOs that already acclimated your blockchain, and tech scalability concerns, traders are acceptable to see bigger allotment from ICX or GO instead.

Vitalik Buterin

Their bazaar saturation, penetration, and cast acquaintance are far greater than GO or ICX. The co-founder of Ethereum, Vitalik Buterin, is one of the best notable names in cryptocurrency. However, the technology acknowledging both GO and ICX was developed afterwards watching the issues appear with ETH’s technology. This advantage in development timeframe could acquiesce GO and ICX to leapfrog Ethereum back it comes to alluring ICOs in the future.

Nevertheless, ETH charcoal accordant as added and added ICOs abide to use their blockchain and accession funds in Ethereum. This is the absolute agency active the ETH bang of backward 2024, aboriginal 2024. However, now that ICOs accept all but halted, the amount of ICO accompanying cryptos has additionally plummeted. ETH, accepting the accomplished bazaar cap, took one of the affliction beatings, falling from $1,200 to beneath $200.

Brand acceptance and “Ethereum” acquaintance accomplish ETH still awfully relevant. There are actually billions of dollars congenital into the Ethereum name apropos their association and presence in the crypto space. This amount is “priceless” (well in the billions) and because of this, they abide the additional better cryptocurrency by bazaar cap.

Pending a appearance recover, ETH is acceptable to acknowledge analogously to the blow of the cryptocurrencies in the space. However, abate bazaar cap bill with bigger tech, motivated teams, and well-founded partnerships should advance the allegation as far as allotment are concerned.

Waiting for the Market to U-Turn

GO seems to accept the best technology with a alive mainnet and the everyman bazaar cap by far accepting completed their ICO in the average of the buck market. With one of the arch teams on cardboard and a bazaar cap that is 12x abate than ICX and 1200x abate than ETH, they’re able-bodied assertive for allotment that would accomplish the ‘moon’ assume abutting (Prediction 10x).

ICX will acceptable accretion above drive with the Koreans alpha trading afresh and the Golden Holidays accepting assured in the East. The ‘Korean Ethereum’ is alone hibernating. When it is awakened, a $1 billion bazaar cap could be able-bodied in ability (Prediction 5x).

ETH, admitting already the #2 Cryptocurrency by bazaar cap, should body drive in the abutting few months as well. ICOs should aces up afresh already countries agree regulations apropos their adopting of funds. This will acquiesce the “brand name” to aces up area it larboard off, arch the abutting beachcomber of the ICO chic (likely “regulated” ICO craze). This new beachcomber of ICOs will advance ETH higher, but not like the returns acceptable to be produced by GO or ICX (Prediction 2x).

[Disclaimer: This angle bidding in this commodity do not reflect the angle of Bitcoinist and should not be taken as banking advice.]

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