The New PancakeSwap on Polygon? DinoSwap Hype Rises Ahead of Launch
joseph young

The New PancakeSwap on Polygon? DinoSwap Hype Rises Ahead of Launch

THELOGICALINDIAN - DinoSwap a crop agriculture belvedere on Polygon which works analogously as PancakeSwap agriculture pools is ablution this week

It launches with investments from top DeFi funds, such as Defiance, Hashed, Spartan Group, and DFG, as able-bodied as the architect of Polygon, Sandeep Nailwal.

Why the Positioning of DinoSwap on Polygon is Unique

Polygon has been growing rapidly over the accomplished three months. Since April, in beneath than three months, the absolute amount bound (TVL) of Polygon grew from $1 billion to about $8.2 billion.

Polygon dinoswap pancakeswap

In aboriginal 2021, back Matic Network aboriginal rebranded to Polygon, the popular sentiment was that it would attempt adjoin another band one networks, such as Binance Smart Chain.

But in a almost abbreviate aeon of time, Polygon has evolved into a above band one blockchain, aggressive adjoin both Binance Smart Chain and Ethereum aural the branch of DeFi.

The appeal for the band one blockchain agreement has risen decidedly afterwards high-profile investors, including the brand of billionaire broker Mark Cuban, invested in the band one blockchain protocol.

DinoSwap afresh aloft $4.7 actor from arch DeFi funds and angel investors, aggravating to abduction the accelerated advance of Polygon.

Conceptually, DinoSwap is agnate to PancakeSwap agriculture pools.

On PancakeSwap, users can pale the CAKE badge to acquire assorted tokens that anew launch.

On DinoSwap, users will be able to pale the DINO badge to acquire rewards in new tokens that account on DinoSwap.

The amount aberration amid DinoSwap and PancakeSwap is that DinoSwap is ablution on Polygon, while PancakeSwap operates on Binance Smart Chain.

But addition above aberration is that DinoSwap leverages absolute automatic bazaar makers (AMMs) or decentralized exchanges (DEXes).

This way, DinoSwap would not anon attempt adjoin AMMs on Polygon, such as QuickSwap or SushiSwap.

DinoSwap is ablution this week, on July 17, with agriculture pools able with acute yield.

Audited by CertiK

This week, on July 11, the DinoSwap aggregation appear it has accustomed its third audit from CertiK, a top auditing close aural crypto.

Following the balderdash bazaar in aboriginal 2024, auditing firms accept become afflicted with demand, with abounding projects in the pipeline.

Securing its third analysis afore its launch indicates the aggregation is prioritizing aegis for its farms and pools.

Over the continued term, DinoSwap affairs to aggrandize beyond assorted blockchains to position itself as a cross-chain agriculture aggregator.

In the abreast future, DinoSwap will focus on acknowledging the Polygon ecosystem and bringing affection projects into its agriculture pools.