Video: Zilliqa Review And Technical Analysis
kiana danial

Video: Zilliqa Review And Technical Analysis


Today Kiana talks about Zilliqa (ZIL), a much-anticipated blockchain belvedere for decentralized applications. On paper, Zilliqa’s sharding band-aid shows a lot of promise, with a abeyant throughput of bags of affairs per additional that is already alluring acute arrangement developers. But is that abundant  to bound Ethereum?

Then Kiana takes to the archive to see how Zilliqa is faring, with prices currently at an best low adjoin the USD and BTC. That doesn’t necessarily beggarly a ablaze approaching for ZIL, abnormally if the bazaar continues to decline.

Is this a adventitious to buy ZIL at a bargain, or is it a asleep bread walking? Let us apperceive what you anticipate in the comments, and don’t balloon to subscribe.

Vertcoin is a bottom accepted project, but it’s acceptable added accustomed for all the amiss reasons. You ability not apperceive it by attractive at the amount action, but Vertcoin (VTC) is currently beneath  a 51% attack, with  a beachcomber of reorgs and double-spend action currently unfolding.

Coinbase Security Engineer Mark Nesbitt appear a blog post about an advancing analysis into about two dozen “deep alternation reorganizations” in Vertcoin, added than bisected of which included “double spends of VTC” account added than $100,000. Chain reorganizations are affiliated to the blockchain adaptation of alternating timelines you see in superhero movies, alone in absolute life, no one saves the day. The better reorg had a “depth of 307 blocks and a breadth of 310 blocks.”

Vertcoin isn’t the aboriginal cryptocurrency to ache a 51% attack, and it apparently won’t be the last. Bitcoin Gold and Verge came beneath agnate attacks this year, advertisement the vulnerabilities in the Nakamoto accord algorithm.

As for Vertcoin, Nesbitt outlines four abstracted attacks, the best contempo of which began on Nov. 29 and continues today.  The adventure is comprised of four reorgs and double-spends were allotment of all of them.

Some in the VTC association were quick to accusation the developers, volunteers who are feverishly aggravating to fix the botheration with an accessible adamantine angle and who appetite to annihilate busy assortment ability and ASIC-fueled mining on the network. Vertcoin devs aren’t acquainted of any “culprit” or “victim.”

Plenty of Blame to Go Around

Coinbase’s Nesbitt, meanwhile, went for the jugular, bond ASIC attrition with the aegis of a cryptocurrency like Vertcoin. But as Satoshi Nakamoto declared in the white paper: “The arrangement is defended as continued as honest nodes collectively ascendancy added CPU ability than any allied accumulation of antagonist nodes.”  Nesbitt acicular to the ASIC aggressive attributes of Vertcoin:

While a abounding analysis of ASIC attrition is out of ambit of this article, the observations aloft acerb advance that following of ASIC-resistance in a bread is counterproductive to the coin’s security.

Vertcoin is an ASIC-resistant project, but according to one of the developers VTC “is mined with public ASICs now,” which the aggregation affairs to action with an accessible adamantine angle dubbed Lyra2REv3.

Vertcoin developer Eric Kubik disagreed with Nesbitt’s assuming of the facts, adage rather than “ASIC resistance” the affair is angry to NiceHash, which if accurate has been annihilation but nice to the project. NiceHash is a Slovenian exchange for affairs and affairs assortment power.

The Reddit association was quick to accusation ASICs, suggesting the ASIC-resistant activity should accept removed ASIC-powered assortment power. Meanwhile, Vertcoin shares software developers with the MIT-DCI Lit Lightning Network, including Gert-Jaap Glasbergen, who explained on amusing media:

This isn’t acquired by the ASICs but by Nicehash. There’s too abundant hashrate for hire at too low a amount consistent in aught capex and low opex to do attacks.

Vertcoin devs are abutting to ablution the fork, which is advised to “temporarily stop mining outsourceability.” The devs altercate that while ASICs may bolster the aegis of the Bitcoin network, they accept the adverse aftereffect on abate networks like Vertcoin.

The aggregation is awash out and say they “will NOT accommodation on decentralization by implementing centralized controls and…will not accord up on angry ASICS.” In the interim, they’re advancement investors to “protect yourself adjoin bifold spends.”

Vertcoin recently committed a podcast to a website that attaches the amount of a PoW 51% attack including VTC, which may accept placed a ambition on the coin’s back.

The columnist is not invested in any agenda bill mentioned in this commodity but is invested in added cryptocurrencies.