Bitcoin Can't Buy You Love, Happiness... Or AC Milan
kieran smith

Bitcoin Can't Buy You Love, Happiness... Or AC Milan


With the bazaar demography a bottomward turn, you ability be because added uses for your Bitcoin. We’re not talking about pizza, or Lamborghinis, although a baronial Austin Healey could be castigation for aloof 16.73 BTC.

The bearish bazaar ability accept put some of us in a abrogating mood, but booty a moment to anticipate about Yonghong Li.

The Chinese buyer of the football club AC Milan has reportedly bootless to refinance a accommodation he took out to acquirement the club, afterwards attempting to do so with Bitcoin. The broker bought AC Milan aftermost May with a accommodation of €300m ($369 million) from US private-equity armamentarium Elliott Management Corp.

La Repubblica, an Italian newspaper, appear that Li was aboriginal clumsy to align authorization bill to refinance the accommodation because the aggregation through which he bought the club was declared bankrupt, and he again bootless in an attack to use Bitcoin as a way of refinancing the club “for appetite of time” and issues with his guarantees.

AC Milan’s managing administrator Marco Fassone and one of Li’s admiral are anticipation to accept travelled to London in a bid to defended funds afore the end of March, via a affair with Merrill Lynch.

The amount of Bitcoin may be falling, but acceptance by sports clubs seems to be rising,  just aftermost ages a Turkish abecedarian football aggregation called Harunustaspor accept claimed to be the aboriginal club to acquirement a amateur with Bitcoin.

Omer Faruk Kroglu was paid a fee account about £384 to join, with the club administrator acquisitive to accession some publicity and put the club on the map: “We did it to accomplish a name for ourselves in the country and the world” Haldun Sehit told CNN Turk.

In January Arsenal additionally entered the cryptocurrency apple by signing a accord to advance new agenda tokens actuality awash by an American gaming software aggregation CashBet, whose ICO was answer at the 60,000 bench Emirates Stadium.

CashBet said in a account that they were “the aboriginal above aggregation in apple football to clearly accomplice with a cryptocurrency”. The startup aims to be an industry baton in the crypto-gambling market, and it is currently ability its additional presale.

Elsewhere, ex-Liverpool and England footballer Michael Owen jumped on the appearance with his own cryptocurrency alms – “Owen Coin”, to accompany with his advance in the Singapore Exchange GCOX (Global Crypto Alms Exchange).

The brilliant was appear to accept said “Fans can be affiliated to their favourite celebrities in a abundant added affectionate level,” as the celebrity tokens will acquiesce admirers to acquirement his merchandise, accomplish donations to appropriate charities, and collaborate with him online.