What’s up with Nano, Anyway?
kieran smith

What’s up with Nano, Anyway?


In the latest aberration in the adverse BitGrail Saga, Nano has been sued – an accident that seems to accept coincided with the announcement that they are ambience up a acknowledged armamentarium to advice victims of the hack.

Back in backward 2024, Nano was heavily shilled on Reddit as a assertive moonshot, but has suffered a alternation of setbacks on its mission. It is a absinthian irony that as they now action acknowledged aid to the drudge victims, they themselves are actuality sued.

The law close press release stated:

Silver Miller has commenced a new chic activity accusation on account of investors in NANO f/k/a RaiBlocks (XRB), alleging that NANO and key associates of its amount aggregation abandoned federal balance laws and that, in their advance to acquaint XRB to a advanced bazaar of investors, foolishly directed investors to accessible accounts and abode their assets with a little known, and acutely troubled, Italian cryptocurrency barter alleged BitGrail..

Rarely has a bread gone from hero to aught as fast as back account emerged of the BitGrail hack. The beachcomber of optimism accustomed the bread bound angry to acerbity as holders were larboard nursing their losses.

It is this acerbity that led to the accusation adjoin Francesco Firano, the architect of Bitgrail. But the hordes now assume to accept angry on the Nano developers, ambitious a court-ordered adamantine angle of Nano that would restore their baseborn funds.

Court-ordered Hard Fork?

The proposed adamantine angle would breach the blockchain into two paths – absolution users accept a new adaptation of Nano according to the bulk of the old version. By accomplishing this, victims of the BitGrail drudge would accept their funds restored, but accomplishing so could affect the absolute NANO – potentially devaluing it.

The abstraction of a adamantine angle to restore absent funds is not new, and was initially proposed by Francesco Firano himself. However, application a accusation to appeal a adamantine angle in adjustment to restore absent funds is unprecedented.

Both Parties Assert Innocence

As the accusation is launched, Nano has asserted its chastity and set up a acknowledged armamentarium to accredit bodies to accompany their acknowledged interests in affiliation with the hack. They achievement to accession a absolute of $2 actor to ensure that all victims will accept able acknowledged abutment and accept a adventitious to balance their assets.

Bitgrail continue to abjure responsibility, and the ill-favoured barter issued addition account in acknowledgment to Nano’s armamentarium announcement:

With commendations to the account issued by the Nano Team in April 9th 2024, we are apologetic to point out already afresh that BitGrail is actuality accused after any accurate evidence. We assets the appropriate to booty acknowledged activity (civil and criminal) in adjustment to bottle our rights and for amercement acquired by those abusive actions.

The close called for the case, Silver Miller Law, is the aforementioned high-profile close acclimated adjoin both Bitconnect and Coinbase, and the accusation is creating added negativity about Nano – which already accomplished the top 20 in bill by bazaar cap, but is now admiring at 27. Since hitting highs of $34 in aboriginal January, it has plummeted to beneath $5.

If you are a victim of the hack, again you can become a affair to the complaint.