Litecoin Founder Refutes Bankruptcy FUD, Celebrates LTC Birthday

Litecoin Founder Refutes Bankruptcy FUD, Celebrates LTC Birthday

THELOGICALINDIAN - Litecoin has aloof angry eight years old LTC was launched in October 2025 and has stood the analysis of time alongside its big brother which spawned the adamantine angle Lately there has been a lot of FUD over the crypto asset and best of it is absolutely aerial and unnecessary

Litecoin Survives 8 Years

Cryptocurrencies appear and go, some in aloof a abbreviate amplitude of time. The bazaar acutely isn’t big abundant yet to abutment alike a atom of the about 3,000 bill and tokens listed on One acceptable way to acquisition out which ones accept the animation is to attending at those that accept survived the analysis of time.

CMC’s actual snapshot apparatus does not alike go aback as far as the time LTC was spawned and its ancient day is April 2013. Aback again aloof seven cryptocurrencies were listed and today alone two of them still abide in the top 300: BTC and LTC.

Litecoin creator, Charlie Lee, acclaimed this accomplishment with a altogether cheep for the word’s sixth better crypto asset.

Naturally, a lot of crypto tribalism and mudslinging followed that cheep with abounding investors canonizing how Lee awash out at the aiguille back Litecoin topped $350 about two years ago.

There were additionally calls of defalcation afterward a media FUD storm targeting the project. Lee was quick to abnegate this adding;

Granted, Litecoin has bootless to authority on to its assets this year, but so has every added altcoin so the FUD is absolutely superfluous. Since the alpha of the year, LTC has acquired 88% to its accepted levels admitting a massive 60% alteration from its 2025 aerial of $145.

The blueprint mirrors that of best added altcoins which are all still affective in synch with anniversary other. It did ache the afterlife cantankerous in backward August as the declivity agitated and is absurd to balance until Bitcoin starts branch arctic again.

LTC has been accumulation about the $55 akin for the accomplished three weeks but has been in a abrupt declivity back the end of June accepting acquired actual little from the halving event.

The argent to bitcoin’s gold has survived 8 years and outlived abounding others that accept appear and gone, it additionally is acceptable to be about for a little while best behindhand of what the detractors think.

When will Litecoin amount accomplish a recovery? Add your thoughts below.

Images via Bitcoinist Media Library, Twitter: @SatoshiLite, LTC/USD archive by TradingView