THELOGICALINDIAN - JP Morgan the fifthlargest coffer in the apple by assets has had a continued history of battle with Bitcoin accent by some underinformed comments CEO Jamie Dimon fabricated about Bitcoin for CNBC in January 2025 Over time the USbased coffer has seemed to accept bigger accomplished themselves but not afore the flight of Blythe Masters their problockchain executive
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Masters, the academic arch of Global Commodities until 2014 and artist of the Credit Default Swap advance vehicle, is calmly the highest-profile woman in the Bitcoin amplitude today. After abrogation JP Morgan, she has helmed the blockchain-focused startup Digital Asset Holdings, which has acquired two blockchain technology startups already: Hyperledger and Bits of Proof. Masters has additionally abutting the lath at the Digital Chamber of Commerce.
They say apery is the purest anatomy of flattery, so conceivably companies like JP Morgan — which unsuccessfully filed apparent applications on its own adaptation of a Bitcoin-like cryptocurrency — should be advised some of Bitcoin’s better fans.
In an April shareholders brief, CEO Dimon mentioned Bitcoin by name afterwards exclaiming that “Silicon Valley is coming,” and again assured his shareholders that JP Morgan “analyzes all of their competitors in acute detail.”
However, it didn’t booty continued to go from “analyzing competitors” to article added like ‘singing their praises.’
This week, JP Morgan abutting in with eight added above banks to anatomy a collaborative collective alive group of blockchain-using banks led by Wall Street-based R3 CEV. The purpose of this accumulation is to use a accepted blockchain amid them for interbank settlements, eventually giving anniversary the adeptness to assurance one addition and achieve their budgetary transfers instantly.
The accumulation affairs to coact on design, research, and engineering to actualize “state-of-the-art enterprise-scale aggregate balance solutions,” that they can accordingly deploy. If all goes well, the accumulation feels that their blockchain can advice them accomplish new peaks in security, reliability, performance, scalability, and auditing.
Of course, no JP Morgan adumbrative has so far said annihilation acceptable about Bitcoin itself; the coffer is acutely ardent with blockchain technology, though, and now affairs to apply it in its core business.
When speaking about the R3 accord and the Blockchain this week, Dimon told American Banker that “we accept a abstraction accumulation on this accomplished thing. I anticipate best of the banks do at this point.”
What do you anticipate about JP Morgan’s accord with Bitcoin? Let us apperceive in the comments below!
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