Biggest Movers: RUNE Rises by Over 15%, as FTM and AVAX Trend Lower
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Biggest Movers: RUNE Rises by Over 15%, as FTM and AVAX Trend Lower

THELOGICALINDIAN - Thorchain RUNE rallied to its accomplished akin back January as cryptocurrency markets started the anniversary mainly in the red Avalanche AVAX was one of these cryptocurrencies trading lower on Monday and fantom FTM fell by abutting to 10 on the day as well

Thorchain (RUNE)

While cryptocurrency markets accept been mainly lower over the accomplished week, thorchain (RUNE) has climbed by about 70% in that aforementioned period.

Following a low of $6.15 on Sunday, RUNE/USD rose accomplished its attrition of $6.60 to alpha the week, aggressive to its accomplished akin back January 12 in the process.

On Monday, RUNE hit an intraday aerial of $7.43, blame the cryptocurrency to #47, in the market’s top 100.

This move came as the 14-day Relative Strength Index additionally rose accomplished its own beam of 67, which happened for the aboriginal time back aftermost November.

Should this accepted ascendance drive continue, we will be attractive at the anticipation of RUNE hitting the accessible beam of $9.05, potentially on its way to $10.

Fantom (FTM)

Avalanche (AVAX) was bottomward by about 6% to alpha the week, as it abide to hover beneath the crypto top 10, sitting at the #11 spot.

However, it was fantom (FTM) that was today’s best notable bearish mover, falling by abutting to 10% as a aftereffect of today’s action.

As of autograph this, FTM is bottomward 8.35 % today, as prices fell to their everyman point back September, afterward bristles after canicule of weakness.

FTM/USD fell to an intraday low of $1.08 beforehand on Monday, afterward a aiguille of over $1.20 beneath than 24-hours ago.

This comes as amount backbone is absolutely oversold, with the 14-day RSI is tracking at 30.9, which is the everyman it has resided at back December 13.

Following this bearish pressure, is a backlash inevitable? Let us apperceive your thoughts in the comments.

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