Bitcoin, Ethereum Technical Analysis: BTC Remains Above $40,000 Despite Recent Pullback
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Bitcoin, Ethereum Technical Analysis: BTC Remains Above $40,000 Despite Recent Pullback

THELOGICALINDIAN - Following a acceleration to a aerial aloft 41700 beforehand this anniversary bitcoins amount has collapsed for two after sessions Despite this BTC continues to barter aloft 40000 whilst ETH continues to hover aloft 2800


BTC fell for its additional after affair on Friday, as the world’s better cryptocurrency has absent some momentum, afterward Wednesday’s Fed decision.

Yesterday saw bitcoin barter at a aiguille of $41,102.23, about as of writing, prices accept collapsed to an intraday low of $40,302.40.

This bead agency that BTC/USD is 1.66% lower than Thursday’s high, and comes as prices accept collapsed aback beneath abiding resistance.

The ceiling, which resides at $40,600, was burst beforehand today and this absorbed bears to advertise alike further, due to the actual activity which took abode there previously.

Looking at the chart, the engulfing bearish candles on March 4 and 10 act as a admonition how bound assets can be lost, and this advance to some beasts liquidating their positions.

Despite this, the 14-day RSI still charcoal aloft 50, which is one of the break that amount backbone is still hardly trending upward.


ETH mainly traded aloft $2,800 on Friday, as prices connected to hover beneath contempo attrition of $2,850.

Following Thursday’s low of $2,774.86, ETH/USD hit a aiguille of $2,826.16 during today’s session, as affective averages able for an upwards cross.

As can be apparent from the chart, the 10-day affective boilerplate and the 25-day accept assuredly collided, with the concise boilerplate set to beat mid-term.

Despite contempo amount volatility, the aftermost seven canicule accept apparent ETH ascend by an boilerplate of 7%, and if affective averages extend this trend, we could see added surges in price.

The alone hurdle that charcoal appears to be the 55.5 beam that is currently present in the 14-day RSI.

Will we see the abutting billow in crypto arise this weekend? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.

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