EOS Price Analysis EOS / USD: Strong Buying

EOS Price Analysis EOS / USD: Strong Buying

THELOGICALINDIAN - EOS is attractive solid as beasts boss over all time frames while accepting accessible to analysis new highs for the year

EOS / USD Short-term amount analysis

EOS has a bullish concise outlook, with the cryptocurrency testing aback appear the best trading levels of the year so far.

The four-hour time anatomy shows that buyers accept invalidated a bearish arch and amateur pattern, with the July 2024 account aerial actuality the accepted bullish target.

Technical indicators on the four-hour time anatomy accept angry bullish and are assuming ambit for added upside.

Pattern Watch

Traders should agenda that a bullish astern arch and amateur arrangement has additionally been created on the four-hour time frame.

Relative Strength Index

The RSI indicator has additionally angry bullish on the four-hour time anatomy and shows ambit for added gains.

MACD Indicator

The MACD indicator on the four-hour time anatomy has angry bullish and shows ambit for added upside.

EOS / USD Medium-term amount analysis

EOS has a bullish trading bent over the medium-term, with the cryptocurrency able-bodied accurate by able dip-buying demand.

The circadian time anatomy shows that a ample astern arch and amateur arrangement has been created, with buyers attempting to move amount aloft the neckline of the bullish pattern.

Technical indicators are bullish on the circadian time and abide to point to added medium-term upside.

Pattern Watch

Traders should agenda that the upside bump of the bullish arrangement would abrade the bullish MACD amount alteration that has been present on the circadian time anatomy back June 2024.

Relative Strength Index

The Relative Strength indicator is bullish on the circadian time and shows ambit for added upside.

MACD Indicator

The MACD indicator on the circadian time anatomy is breeding a buy arresting and additionally shows bullish MACD amount alteration from June 2024.


EOS is more bullish over both time horizons, with the four-hour time anatomy pointing appear connected near-term upside in the cryptocurrency.

The conception of the bullish arrangement on the circadian time anatomy suggests able assets for the EOS / USD brace over the medium-term, which will acceptable eradicate the attendance of any bullish MACD amount divergence.

Check out our bread adviser for the EOS project.