Market Update: Crypto Prices Improve After 3-Week Downtrend
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Market Update: Crypto Prices Improve After 3-Week Downtrend

THELOGICALINDIAN - Digital bill markets accept been trending bottomward in a triangular arrangement back the 40 fasten that took abode on October 25 Following the threeweek declivity cryptocurrency traders are agilely arena positions while patiently cat-and-mouse for the abutting bazaar signals

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Crypto Markets Lose 20% Since the Late October Price Spike

During the third anniversary of October, BTC jumped from a low of $7,300 to a aerial of $10,295. Best crypto markets that day saw a 30-40% acceleration in value, but back again agenda bill prices accept slipped. BTC baldheaded 20% back the aftermost high, bottomward to a low of $8,355 on November 15. On Sunday, November 17, crypto prices are a blow college than the lows on Friday as best assets are up amid 0.3% to 2% in the aftermost 24 hours. The all-embracing bazaar appraisal for all 3,000 agenda bill markets is almost $235 billion today. With a bazaar cap of about $154 billion, BTC captures 65% of the cryptoconomy’s absolute valuation.

Market Update: Crypto Prices Improve After 3-Week Downtrend

Currently, BTC is swapping for $8,553 per bread and there’s a blow added than $2 billion in 24-hour volume. ETH markets are up 1.69% today as anniversary bread is trading for $185 this Sunday. The cryptocurrency has a bazaar appraisal of about $20 billion and there’s $1.3 billion in all-around ETH trades today. Crypto barter volumes accept been acutely abbreviate compared to the volumes apparent three weeks ago. XRP is trading for $0.26 per bread and the bill is up 1% over the aftermost day. Lastly, binding (USDT) is the fifth-largest bazaar appraisal and the stablecoin is capturing added than two thirds of trades with about every agenda asset today.

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Market Action

Bitcoin banknote (BCH) is up today added than 1% as anniversary BCH is swapping for $267. BCH has a bazaar cap of about $4.86 billion and $367 actor in all-around barter volume. BCH is the sixth best traded crypto today aloft XRP and beneath EOS. USDT is capturing 52% of today’s BCH swaps while BTC commands almost 24%. This is followed by USD (10.3%), ETH (9.3%), KRW (2.4%), JPY (0.42%), and EUR (0.39%). On Saturday, BCH saw an upside lift to the $274 ambit but there is above attrition above that region. If BCH fails to breach high attrition again the bottomward trend may abide to comedy out. At columnist time there is cogent basal abutment amid $250-265 per BCH.

Market Update: Crypto Prices Improve After 3-Week Downtrend

Are Crypto Markets Still Bearish?

Crypto analysts everywhere are apprehensive whether markets are bearish or bullish back the big advance three weeks ago. Back boring accident a appropriate block of those gains, agenda bill bazaar assemblage and assemblage are active advertent the abutting big moves. The CEO of Bitbull Capital, Joe DiPasquale, explained this anniversary that a BTC amount “drop to $8,000 is a absolute possibility.” “[BTC] is trading beneath the 50-day affective boilerplate of $8,600, which was acting as abutment throughout aftermost week,” DiPasquale added. Another analyst from the aggregation Signal Profits, Jacob Canfield, remarked about the alliance in a agnate fashion. “One affair is acutely clear,” Canfield stressed. “We are absolutely in a downtrend.” Although, Nem Ventures adviser Nick Pelecanos has apparent some altered crypto bazaar signals. “Currently Bitcoin appears to be disturbing to break aloft its support, however, it is assuming some bullish divergences so I’d apprehend a assemblage in the abbreviate term,” Pelecanos noted.

Market Update: Crypto Prices Improve After 3-Week Downtrend

BTC Needs to Jump 1,670% for an ETF According to Fundstrat’s Tom Lee

Bitcoin perma-bull and Fundstrat Global Advisors cofounder Tom Lee told Bloomberg this anniversary that BTC needs to beat $150,000 per bread in adjustment for an exchange-traded armamentarium (ETF) to appear to accomplishment in the U.S. Essentially that agency BTC has to accretion added than 1,670% to accommodated Lee’s ETF standards. At a appointment in Singapore, Lee told the army that “demand for an ETF is monstrous” and “The SEC needs to punt the ETF until crypto becomes bigger.”

Market Update: Crypto Prices Improve After 3-Week Downtrend

Still, until the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission does accept a adapted crypto ETF, “institutions aren’t activity to blow crypto,” Lee stressed. “If you’re complex in crypto, the SEC can attending like an obstacle,” the Fundstrat cofounder said. “They’re establishing protections for individuals and appropriate now it’s not acceptable for the industry, but if the SEC is addition that bodies assurance to assure them, that’s how you get the boilerplate accommodating to get complex in crypto.”

Long Term Uptrend Still Intact

Even admitting bazaar prices accept been sliding, a few crypto analysts and traders accept the all-embracing abiding crypto uptrend is still in motion. On November 15, the CIO of Blockforce Capital shared a report from the analysis close Delphi Digital which galvanized this opinion. “Optimism afterward bitcoin’s backward October assemblage appears to be crumbling as investors and traders akin chase for a concise agitator to advance the crypto bazaar higher,” Delphi Digital’s address notes. “Bitcoin bankrupt beneath its 200-day affective boilerplate beforehand this ages on its bead aback beneath $9,000, captivated abiding for best of the anniversary afore dipping beneath its 50-day agnate — a key abutment akin for BTC in the abreast appellation — Concise affect gauges accept formed over, the longer-term uptrend still charcoal intact.”

Market Update: Crypto Prices Improve After 3-Week Downtrend

Lower Prices and Lackluster Volumes Shake Traders

While traders patiently delay for added signs to accomplish money off concise moves, optimism is still ablaze in attention to the long-term. Not continued ago, agenda bill markets saw massive aggregate surges but crypto barter volumes today anemic in comparison. Back afresh bodies anticipation that the aerial volumes and bigger prices would accompany the balderdash trend about again, but blah volumes and bottomward prices currently don’t abutment those predictions.

Where do you see the cryptocurrency markets branch from here? Let us apperceive what you anticipate about this accountable in the comments area below.

Disclaimer: Price accessories and bazaar updates are advised for advisory purposes alone and should not be advised as trading advice. Neither nor the columnist is amenable for any losses or gains, as the ultimate accommodation to conduct a barter is fabricated by the reader. Always bethink that alone those in ascendancy of the clandestine keys are in ascendancy of the “money.” Cryptocurrency prices referenced in this commodity were recorded at 12:35 p.m. EST.

Images via Shutterstock, Trading View, Markets, Getty,, Wiki Commons, and Pixabay.

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