Two Years Later, Is Bitcoin Cash Living Up To Its Promises?

Two Years Later, Is Bitcoin Cash Living Up To Its Promises?

THELOGICALINDIAN - Low fees ability not be abundant

Today marks the additional ceremony of the User-Activated Hard Fork, which breach the Bitcoin association into two aggressive currencies. While there accept been abounding forks back then, none accept been as acknowledged or abiding as Bitcoin Cash (BCH). 

The breach occurred because a cardinal of miners and developers believed that Bitcoin’s amount developers had alone the abstraction of peer-to-peer cyberbanking cash. That angle underwent its own angle – a awful advancing one – with the conception of Satoshi’s Vision (BSV). 

Both projects aggregate the ambition of application beyond blocks to accession Bitcoin’s transaction limit, after the complicated development appropriate for solutions like SegWit.  Their eyes was for bitcoin to be acclimated as a average of exchange. After two years, we can now see how that eyes played out.

The Three Features of Money

One of the key objections to Bitcoin (Core, if you like) is that it has bootless to accomplish the functions of money. Money is authentic as a average of exchange, a abundance of value, and a assemblage of account. With almost aerial transaction fees and sluggishly apathetic transactons, Bitcoin fails as a average of exchange, and accordingly as money.

At least, that’s what Roger Ver seems to believe, and back it comes to transaction fees his activity is a success. As explained on Ver’s website,, “the Bitcoin Banknote advancement fabricated Bitcoin accessible as banknote again. Transaction fees are low, transaction times fast, and best chiefly the Bitcoin Banknote association is affiliated in the aboriginal eyes of Bitcoin as banknote for the world.”

Meanwhile, Bitcoin SV has angled bottomward on big blocks, adopting their block size to 2GB in aftermost week’s Quasar upgrade.

But bargain affairs may not be abundant for a acknowledged currency. Given the abortion of Bitcoin Cash to supplant BTC, there may be a fourth affection of money that Ver and Wright accept both overlooked.

It’s Not The Size Of The Block, But The Action In The Transactions

Bigger blocks do accomplish for faster transactions, but that may appear at the amount of accretion centralization.

Each bulge needs to abundance the absolute transaction history of their blockchain. With ledgers growing beyond and faster, the accouterments and bandwidth requirements to run a abounding bulge can bound abound out of ability of anyone except a scattering of more able operators.

That’s why bigger blocks accomplish for added centralized chains. The arguable angle in August 2024 showed that Roger Ver and his allies were accessible to booty that accident in adjustment to access transaction speeds and abate fees.  

But neither angle is abutting to replacing Bitcoin as a average of exchange, as Coin Metrics has reported. After administering analysis to analyze the average of barter characteristics of BTC, BCH, and BSV, they found:

Core Remains King

Bitcoin transaction fees abide to trend higher, averaging amid $1 and $3, while Bitcoin Cash fees are abutting to zero. But there’s a downside to those badly low fees, abnormally as miners activate to await on them as block rewards fall. Network aegis could be compromised on low-fee Proof of Work networks if miners aren’t abundantly incentivized to defended the chain.   

Bitcoin additionally continues to advance the forks in agreement of transaction count, and this advance is added arresting back OP_RETURN letters are excluded. These are affairs or genitalia of affairs that artlessly abundance abstracts on ledgers, and do not alteration value. 

As of July 1st, over 67% of circadian BCH transaction accommodate an OP_RETURN,” CoinMetrics found, compared to 25% for BTC transactions. For BSV, the amount was alike higher: 94%.

And while amount alteration abstracts on BCH are climbing, they are askew by those on the Bitcoin network. According to Coin Metrics’ report:

Estimates of alive addresses additionally authenticate that the BTC arrangement is actuality acclimated by a lot added bodies than either of the forks. Daily alive BTC addresses averaged amid 600,000 and 1,000,000 in 2024, with BCH and BSV actual beneath 100,000 and 50,000, respectively.

The Fourth Property of Digital Currencies

 One ability altercate that cryptocurrency as money has a fourth component: decentralization. Unlike authorization currency, agenda currencies can abide after the approval of any axial issuer or authority.

Decentralization is added than aloof a abstruse way of accomplishing things. It is additionally an ethos, a acceptance system, and a ambition unto itself. A decentralized internet is the only way the IoT is activity to administer the billions of ‘things’ that will affix to the internet in the not-too-distant future. Decentralization is additionally at the affection of the attrition movement adjoin censorship and data monopolies.

Placing Trust in Trustlessness

Most of Bitcoin’s defectors would barb at the advancement of application a bill created by an distinct entity. But the very accessible argument and resultant assortment war amid Roger Ver and Craig Wright appear two blockchain projects that are actual abundant apprenticed by the personalities of affluent individuals. 

To the admeasurement that Bitcoin Cash is ‘led’ by Ver and BSV by a lawsuit-dangling Australian, it’s adamantine to see how either can aftermath a ‘leaderless’ cryptocurrency.

Meanwhile, the blow of the crypto-community appears to acquire spoken. People are added able to acquire college fees and abate blocks – or block admeasurement advance that is added apathetic – than cheaper chains with added arresting leadership.