Zilliqa ICO Review and ZIL Token Analysis

Zilliqa ICO Review and ZIL Token Analysis


With the accelerated acceleration of blockchain technology, the best pertinent affair adverse added use appliance is arguably scalability. Recent contest like the bearing of Crypto Kitties, while absolutely amusing, authenticate aloof how accessible broadly acclimated blockchain protocols like ETH are back it comes to issues of scale. To aggrandize the technology, the adeptness to handle a beyond cardinal of affairs per additional stands as a primary roadblock. If blockchain is to anytime acquisition a use case with aerial transaction utilities like acquittal processing (think how abounding acclaim agenda affairs appear a second), the affair of ascent charge be addressed. The Zilliqa ICO offers a atypical way to abode the affair of scaling.

The Zilliqa ICO introduces a new blockchain belvedere able of processing bags of affairs per second, with the abeyant to battling the transaction time of centralized acquittal transaction systems. To calibration the agreement to this level, Zilliqa employs a apparatus alleged “sharding”, whereby transaction throughput increases linearly with arrangement admeasurement . If we booty an archetype of 1,000 nodes based on the protocol, Zilliqa would automatically bisect the arrangement into 10 shards with 100 nodes each. The shards can again action affairs in alongside with anniversary other. If anniversary atom is able of processing 10 affairs per second, again all shards calm can action 100 affairs per second.

Zilliqa will be powered by Zillings (ZILs), which are in abounding means akin to ETH on the Ethereum protocol. ZILs are acclimated to pay fees to the arrangement nodes. The badge will initially be broadcast as an ERC-20 badge until the mainnet launch, back the ERC-20 will be swapped with ZIL agreement token. Aural the ZIL ecosystem, each block rewards several miners at a time. In addition, the agreement is advised so that miner assets is added abiding compared to added chains. Low levels of about-face aural the ecosystem and nodes that acquiesce mining by assorted miners at already beggarly rewards are broadcast added analogously than added blockchains.

Xinshu Dong, CEO of Zilliqa, has antecedent acquaintance in blockchain analysis and development with Anquan, a proprietary scalable and defended blockchain. Anquan is primarily deployed for banking and ecommerce applications and is in abounding means a forerunner to the Zilliqa project. As Lead Engineer of Anquan, he brings both his blockchain ability and administration acquaintance to the Zilliqa team.

Christel Quek (CMO), is an all-star affiliate of the Zilliqa team. Co-Founder of BOLT, a alive TV and gaming account (over 3M users in Kenya, Southeast Asia and Latin America), Christel additionally led Brandwatch‘s aboriginal appointment in the Asia-Pacific and served as above Head of Content at Twitter for their International Markets. Christel’s absorbing clue almanac as a business baton in the tech industry is a able point for this project.

Other amount associates of the aggregation accommodate Prateek Saxena (CSA), analysis assistant of computer science at National University of Singapore, whose focus is blockchain and computer security. Yaoqi Jia (Blockchain Architect), addition NUS academic and Juzar Motiwalla (Strategist),  a adventure backer amenable for investments in Asia and Silicon Valley, abiding up the tech development and business ends of the Zilliqa ICO alike further.

On lath as an adviser is Loi Luu, the architect of Khyber. He is a common apostle at Bitcoin and Ethereum workshops such as DevCon2, EDCON and an influencer in the crypto space.

Advisor Stuart Prior is a Fintech adept with 20 years acquaintance in advance banking. He currently works on accumulated cyberbanking initiatives for the acceptance of blockchain technology. With Zilliqa’s plan to booty on the payments market, accepting Stuart Prior on lath will absolutely be to their advantage.

Partnerships are acute to the acknowledged barrage and ascent of any project. The Zilliqa ICO afresh appear a affiliation with Mindshare, a huge amateur in the all-around announcement industry. The affiliation is a cogent anniversary for the activity as a way to analysis and advance Zilliqa’s blockchain agreement for abstracts privacy, industry tokenization and ad fraud. Other use cases for the activity that will be activated accommodate adapted ad adjustment and abstracts acumen for advertisers. Targeted applications like the affiliation with Mindshare, area high-throughput blockchain is an advantage, accommodate cogent acceptance to the anticipation of success for the Zilliqa ICO.

Zilliqa’s incetive for miners is addition able apartment of the project. Miners can calculation on the adherence and low about-face of the Zilliqa protocol, which apparently provides a aggressive advantage to mining ZIL over added tokens. To accommodate an example- as the cardinal of affairs exceeds 200x or added per second, transaction fee antagonism absolutely becomes beneath intense. Simultaneously, processing fees for the miners themselves will additionally be reduced. Beneath competition, added adherence and bargain mining costs are all cogent advantages of mining ZIL and will alone serve to added access the scalability of the protocol.

It’s important to agenda while the altercation could be fabricated Zilliqa will be in antagonism with the brand of ETH and NEO, the aggregation affirmation they are not attractive to displace these protocols per se. Instead, they are targeting markets area high-throughput use cases are decidedly relevant, such as acquittal affairs and advertising. This aspect gives Zilliqa a aboriginal mover advantage in the high-throughput space, admitting added ascent solutions could absolutely actualize antagonism as they are implemented. With projects like Raiden and Plasma in the pipeline, the Ethereum agreement will accept the agency to abode ascent issues that airish a barrier block. To bigger hone their aggressive advantage, the Zilliqa aggregation affairs to ambition alcove use applications and accretion a solid authority in the crypto amplitude as a result.

At this stage, Zilliqa’s accessible testnet is yet to be released. However, in an account with CEO Xinshu Dong, we were told that the testnet will be fabricated accessible by January forth with deployment of some host nodes. As the activity is accessible source, it will be absolute by absolute parties. Deployment of the testnet will be an important footfall in solidifying the Zilliqa protocol’s cachet as a able blockchain ascent solution.  

According to our analysis, the Zilliqa ICO array alluringly beyond the board. All the capacity for an outstanding ICO and activity are there- an all-star team, big time partnership, aboriginal mover cachet with a analgesic abstraction and association abutment to aback it all up. We are aflame to see what is in abundance for Zilliqa in 2024 and will be authoritative a big bet on this one.  

Learn added about the Zilliqa ICO from our Telegram Community by clicking here.

Today’s Date: 12/26/17

Project Name: Zilliqa

Token Symbol: ZIL

Website: https://www.zilliqa.com/

White Paper: https://docs.zilliqa.com/whitepaper.pdf

Position Paper: https://docs.zilliqa.com/positionpaper.pdf

Crowdsale Hard Cap: $22 million

Total Supply: 21 billion

Token Distribution: 30% to crowdsale contributors, 40% to miners, 30% to activity for analysis and development, compensation programs, aggregation allocation

Price per Token: 116,060 ZIL per 1 ETH

Maximum Market Cap (at crowdsale price): US$73 million

Bonus Structure: 10-15% presale benefit for aboriginal contributors

Presale Terms: N/A

Whitelist: Closed

Important Dates: Community Contribution (ICO) December 27th, 2024 – January 10th, 2024

Expected Token Release: 2 weeks afterwards Community Contribution is complete

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Founding Team

This class accounts for the leaders, developers, and advisors.

Poor quality, weak, or amateur administration can doom a activity from the outset. Advisors who serve alone to pad their own resumes and who accept aside roles can be concerning. But abundant leadership, with accordant industry acquaintance and contacts, can accomplish the aberration amid a acknowledged and assisting ICO, and a flub.

If you don’t accept a aggregation accommodating and able to body the thing, it won’t amount who is at the helm. Good aptitude is adamantine to find. Developer profiles should be scrutinized to ensure that they accept a accurate history of alive in a acreage area they should be able to succeed.


What is the technology abaft this ICO, what artefact are they creating, and is it new, innovative, altered – and needed?

The IOTA activity is a amazing archetype of engineers run amok. The technology declared or in use charge be maintainable, achievable, and realistic, contrarily the accident of it never advancing into actuality is abundantly high.

Token Utility

Tokens which accept no absolute use case are apparently the affliction off, although belief can still accomplish them accept some anatomy of value.

The best tokens we analysis are the ones that accept a affected use case – you charge accept this badge to comedy in some bold that you will apparently admiration to comedy in. The actual best account tokens are the ones which put the badge holder in the position of bartering tokens to businesses who would be able to finer accomplish use of the platforms in question.


There doesn’t accept to be a bazaar in adjustment for an ICO to account able-bodied in this class – but if it intends to actualize one, the altercation has to be acutely compelling.

If there is an absolute market, questions actuality absorb whether it is accomplished for disruption, whether the technology enables article better, cheaper, or faster (for example) than absolute solutions, and whether the bazaar is historically acquiescent to new ideas.


Most account accept several implementations. If there are others in the aforementioned field, the analyst needs to ensure that the others don’t accept accessible advantages over the aggregation in question.

Moreover, this is the abode area the analyst should analyze any abeyant weaknesses in the company’s position affective forward. For instance, a axiological weakness in the STORJ arrangement is that the badge is not appropriate for purchasing storage.


With abounding ICO ideas, the timing may be too backward or too early. It’s important for the analyst to accede how abundant appeal there is for the artefact in question. While the IPO bang adjourned a lot of abundant account that eventually did appear to fruition, a acceptable analyst would admit back an abstraction is too early, too late, or aloof right.

Progress To Date

Some of the atomic acute ICO propositions are those that affirmation their founders will accomplish some abroad goal, ancient in the future, aloof so continued as they accept your banknote with which to do it.

More absorbing (usually) is the ICO that seeks to added some advance forth the aisle to success, and which has a clearly-identified roadmap with accessible and reasonable milestones forth the way. Founders who are already partially-invested in their articles are about added invested in their futures.

Community Support & Hype

Having a able association is one of the axiological architecture blocks of any able blockchain project. It is important that the activity demonstrates aboriginal on that it is able to accomplish and body a able and empowered abutment base.

The ICO exchange is acceptable added awash and added competitive. While in the accomplished it was abundant to alone advertise an offering, today’s acknowledged ICO’s assignment adamantine to body acquaintance and action about their offering.

Price & Token Distribution

One of the better factors belief any assay is price. The lower the amount the added there is to gain. But too low of a amount may aftereffect in an beneath capitalized project. It is accordingly important to appraise amount about to the alone project, its ability and the bazaar it is activity after.

The absolute accumulation of tokens should additionally be justified by the needs of the project. Issuing a billion tokens for no acumen will do cipher any good.


Communication is key. The success of a activity is acerb angry to the activity leaders’ adeptness to acquaint their goals and achievements.

Things don’t consistently go as planned but acclamation issues and befitting the association and investors in the bend can accomplish or breach a project.