Maintain Momentum
mati greenspan

Maintain Momentum


As the crypto bazaar progresses, we’re seeing all-inclusive differences in the way that anniversary country handles them. Some are demography a added admiring attitude and some are abominably not.

Over the weekend the SEC of Thailand gave an update that was a absolute head-scratcher, to say the least.

They accept removed abutment for Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum Classic, and Litecoin, and reaffirmed abutment for Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP, and Stellar Lumens.

More specifically, they were bright to specify that this abutment is apropos to arising tokens on top of those corresponding blockchains (ICOs) and application these cryptos as a abject brace for trading at exchanges. Meaning, that it is now actionable to affair an ICO on the Litecoin blockchain and exchanges are banned from acceptance pairs like ETC/XXX.

Of course, of the three cryptos that accept apparent abutment removed, none of them are currently actuality acclimated for ICOs nor are they actuality acclimated by exchanges as a abject currency. So by their own summation, they accept are not accepting any absolute appulse on the market.

Thailand is a adequately baby bazaar so in any case, we shouldn’t apprehend any absolute appulse on crypto prices off the aback of this announcement. What’s absorbing actuality is that they’re absolutely accomplishing their appointment and accepting into specific cryptos about like an broker might.

Only time will acquaint if this action will pay off but what is bright is that they may be creating added assignment for themselves as they may charge to amend the cachet of alone bill based on bazaar forces. Should any distinct cryptoasset accretion or lose arena in the market, they could be affected to amend their policy. Also, they’ve alone advised in on 7 cryptos, abrogation the blow with a big catechism mark.

eToro, Senior Market Analyst

Today’s Highlights

Closer to a deal

Get Bucked

BTC affairs hit new high

Please note: All data, abstracts & graphs are accurate as of March 4th. All trading carries risk. Only accident basic you can allow to lose.

Traditional Markets

Stocks are able this morning. The capital anecdotal circulating banking media is that they’re ascent on the optimism of an accessible US-China barter deal.

From what it seems, the US is now accommodating to bead $200 billion in tariffs should a accord be reached. Still in catechism is whether those tariffs would be alone gradually or all at once. No amount what the details, it seems like we’ll be attractive advanced to a Trump-Xi acme to put a lid on this, possibly by the end of the month.

Meanwhile, President Xi has added acute affairs on his duke as the ten-day, 3000 member, Chinese National Congress affair bliss off tomorrow. We’ll be watching carefully for updates about the bread-and-butter outlook, abutment for adopted investments, and of advance the barter adventure above.

The China 50 basis has been flying lately, it will be absorbing to see if they can advance momentum.

Jawboning the Buck

Ever back his election, Donald Trump has done his best to put bottomward exact burden on the US Dollar. But his statements at a  Maryland appointment were a bit added ambagious than usual.

Trump additionally common that the Fed was accomplishing accident by adopting ante too quickly, which is alike added ambagious accustomed the Fed’s contempo about-face in policy. Those of you who apprehend consistently apperceive absolutely what I’m talking about.

In any case, the statements did assume to accept some appulse as the Dollar opened up the anniversary with a baby gap bottomward (purple circle). However, the furnishings accept back beat off and we’re up by now.

The stronger Dollar additionally seems to be accepting a abrogating aftereffect on gold, which has collapsed beneath the $1,300 mark.

Crypto Markets

Whether or not due to a stronger dollar, it seems the crypto markets are absolutely in the red this morning.

Volumes accept below somewhat from the backward February action and animation charcoal subdued. Affairs on the world’s admired blockchain however, accept apparent yet addition cogent uptick as Bitcoin now processes an boilerplate of 4.05 affairs per second.

We abide to adviser volumes in arising markets and account acquainted that the fasten we afresh saw from Indonesia seems to accept abiding itself.

The aboriginal account accretion in bisected a year has not gone disregarded and has alike bent some mainstream attention. Just brainstorm what two could do.

Let’s accept an amazing anniversary and an amazing ages ahead!

Best regards,
Mati Greenspan
Senior Market Analyst

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