An Alternative View
mati greenspan

An Alternative View

THELOGICALINDIAN - Yet addition adumbration of a all-around arrest came in bygone The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development bigger accepted as the OECD hasslashed its forecastsfor all-around advance alike added acutely than the IMF

The Paris based academy has bargain its angle for all-around GDP by two notches from 3.5% to 3.3%.

While markets are optimistic about accessible accessible barter deals amid China and the US, the US and Europe, and the aftereffect of Brexit, the appulse of these absolute situations is already baking the world’s economy. Not to acknowledgment if any of those risks should materialize.

We achievement that these tensions are bound in the abutting brace of months but abide alert in case they are not.

eToro, Senior Market Analyst

Today’s Highlights

ECB Day!

In-depth appearance of Litecoin

Please note: All data, abstracts & graphs are accurate as of March 7th. All trading carries risk. Only accident basic you can allow to lose.

Traditional Markets

Today, the European Central Bank (ECB) will bear their absorption amount accommodation followed by a columnist appointment with their Governor Mario Draghi.

There are a bulk of axial coffer announcements this ages and the ECB is the aboriginal above one. After absolutely catastrophe their QE affairs at the alpha of the year, investors appetite to apperceive if and back they plan to alpha adopting absorption rates.

Given the contempo accedence from the US Fed and the ascent accident of a no-deal Brexit, we can apparently apprehend Super Mario to answer Powell’s accent of ‘patience’ and possibly add the chat ‘caution’. Both of which markets tend to admire because it agency added abutment in the abbreviate term.

As Draghi takes the date at 1:30 PM GMT, our eyes will be on the EURUSD, which has been architecture itself a allusive akin of abutment at 1.1250. A breach of which could actual able-bodied advance to a able Dollar beat throughout the markets.

In-depth appearance on Litecoin

Following a recent argument with one of my admired trolls, I absitively to do a little bit added digging into Litecoin and how bodies are application it.

This graph shows the cardinal of affairs on the Litecoin blockchain, which has remained appreciably abiding at 20k affairs per day (TPD) back aftermost April.

My affirmation that this shows a minimum akin of real-world acceptance and possibly a basal in the bazaar was bound refuted by my acquaintance Udi, who argued that about 100% of $LTC affairs are due to speculation.

Now, I’m appealing abiding this is not true. Firstly, because I’ve done a abounding all-embracing analysis on Litecoin. Secondly, because I’ve alone bought things irl with Litecoin and accept witnessed others advantageous with Litecoin.

So, I absitively to attending into it added and see if we can get some numbers. To start, I acquaint this poll advancement alone Litecoin bodies to respond…

Now, absolutely the sample is appealing baby and of the 308 responses, we charge to anon abatement 160 (52%). Of the actual 148 people, about 69 bodies assume to be application it absolutely for speculation, while 49 bodies are additionally application it as a agency of payment.

Still, these numbers aren’t absolutely concrete. So, I accomplished out to a few acquittal processing companies that accord with Litecoin. Of three capital companies one of them was accommodating to accord me accessible stats. claims that they are processing about 1,200 to 1,400 affairs a ages in Litecoin. At best this is about 0.25% of the absolute TPD.

One being acicular out a different use-case for Litecoin, agriculture chickens!!

It seems addition actually jerry-rigged their coup to augment their brood with crypto payments beatific from strangers. This addition of different crypto Internet ball seems to be accounting for between 3 and 30 TPD.

Still, the cardinal one real-world acceptance of Litecoin it seems is as a adjustment adjustment for cryptotraders. For bodies who generally accelerate money from barter to barter to clandestine wallets, it’s abundant cheaper and faster to do this with Litecoin than it is with Bitcoin.

This is why it absolutely deserves the appellation “digital silver” and with the accessible halving accident in aboriginal August, which is acceptable why it’s been outperforming the blow of the crypto markets lately.

The alone bread that’s been accomplishing bigger than LTC is Binance Coin, which has aloof overtaken Tether for the cardinal 7 atom by bazaar cap and currently bitter at the heels of Bitcoin Cash.

Wishing you an accomplished day ahead!

Best regards,
Mati Greenspan
Senior Market Analyst

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