Price Cycles of Past & Future

Price Cycles of Past & Future

THELOGICALINDIAN - Ran intothis articleover the weekendThe allotment was acutely able-bodied accounting and resembles a lot of the actuality being appear today Though in hindsight I anticipate the catechism airish in the banderole has been answered with a aural affirmative

Can Bitcoin recover?

For added acumen into Bitcoin’s amount activity over the aftermost few years,  here is an article I’ve appear in the Global Banking & Finance Review.

And if you appetite to accept added about the approaching of cryptocurrency affairs in the absolute world, amuse additionally analysis out this article from our UK Managing Director in The Telegraph.


eToro, Senior Market Analyst

Today’s Highlights

Please note: All data, abstracts & graphs are accurate as of July 9th. All trading carries risk. Only accident basic you can allow to lose.

As England advances in the World Cup, it seems the country has taken a footfall aback on Brexit. Prime Minister Theresa May’s plan hasn’t been accustomed as able-bodied as she would’ve liked. Her Foreign Secretary alike likened the plan to a “polished turd,” but it seems he is now abaft it.

Unfortunately for May, some analytical players did not get abaft it, namely the Brexit Secretary David Davis and two of his associates. With aloof 8 months until the March 2024 deadline, it’s attractive like there will be difficult times ahead.

The Pound Sterling is acutely unphased by all of this. Not alone did it accessible the anniversary with a notable gap up (purple circle), but it has connected to ascend throughout the morning.

eToro - GBPUSD amount chart

In fact, the British Pound has been one of the best assuming currencies so far this ages as the US Dollar is seeing a bit of a pullback.

USD blueprint - eToro

It will be absorbing to see the Pound’s acknowledgment to the bold on Wednesday night. So far, the amateur accept absolutely had an appulse on the affection in London, which seems to be accepting a bigger appulse on the markets than Brexit.

The dejected amphitheater on the GBPUSD blueprint aloft is the bold amid England and Colombia, the achievement of which anchored their position in the quarter-finals. The bold adjoin Sweden happened back the markets were bankrupt for the weekend, which ability explain the weekend gap mentioned aloft (purple circle).

Watching the banal markets these aftermost few months has been like watching a bold of tennis, alone instead of ancillary to side, it’s been added like up and down. Ever back the big bead at the alpha of February, the Dow Jones has been rather accidental with cycles of about 1000 credibility in either administration but activity boilerplate fast.

eToro - DJ30 amount chart

Markets are affective upwards today, abnormally in Asia as the China50 scored 3.46% this morning.

Meanwhile in the United States, one of the oldest indicators of bread-and-butter alternation is inching afterpiece to a bad omen.

As we discussed in an amend from June 27th, the advance amid the yields of the 2-year and the 10-year treasury bonds has been accepting actual narrow. At the time, it was as low as 34.24 base points.

Today, that cardinal has collapsed beneath 30 base credibility for the aboriginal time back 2024.

eToro - US 2 to 10 year treasury crop curve

If the cardinal goes negative, that is a bright assurance that investors are added afraid about what ability appear in the concise than they are about the abiding bazaar stability.

The crypto markets accept been appealing calm over the weekend with prices assuming accomplished signs of adherence over the aftermost few weeks. The abutting hurdle for bitcoin is a cerebral attrition at $7000.

eToro - Bitcoin amount chart

Also in crypto news today…

eToro - Bitcoin ETF

No doubt, if the CBOE gets approval for a bitcoin-based ETF it will be yet addition way for Wall Street traders to accretion clamminess on the world’s admired agenda asset.

However, the volumes on the crypto-products already offered by CBOE and CME are still absolutely low. Having an added artefact won’t necessarily accessible the floodgates, but what it will do is advance the bearings during the abutting amount surge.

Let’s accept an amazing anniversary ahead!

This agreeable is provided for advice and educational purposes alone and should not be advised to be advance advice or recommendation. 

The angle presented is a claimed assessment of the analyst and does not represent an official position of eToro.

Past achievement is not an adumbration of approaching results. All trading involves risk; alone accident basic you are able to lose.

Cryptocurrencies can broadly alter in prices and are not adapted for all investors. Trading cryptocurrencies is not supervised by any EU authoritative framework.

Best regards,

Mati Greenspan
Senior Market Analyst

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