Rapper French Montana Makes Crypto Debut With Metaverse Project

Rapper French Montana Makes Crypto Debut With Metaverse Project

THELOGICALINDIAN - Rapper French Montana has become the latest rapper to access the metaverse The alarmingly acclaimed rapper appear that he was clearly abutting the crypto apple through a affiliation with a arresting crypto metaverse project

French Montana Enters The Metaverse

The rapper fabricated the announcement on Twitter with a video of him in the metaverse. In the video, French Montana is apparent walking, running, jumping, and alike pond about the metaverse. His avatar sports his signature white-on-white apparel with a massive gold alternation blind about his neck. Montana included in his advertisement that he would be partnering with Radio Caca, a metaverse activity on the Smart Alternation Network.

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This affiliation would accompany hip hop into the metaverse, article that Radio Caca wants to do. The belvedere explains that it affairs to become a abode area contest like concerts and classrooms are captivated and would aid in architecture a belvedere for the future. French Montana’s access into the USM Universe represents the aboriginal accomplish that will accompany this eyes to activity for the platform.

Bitcoinist accomplished out to the Radio Caca aggregation who were actual admiring by the new partnership.

“We are aflame to accomplice with French Montana to body a association area creators will accept added buying of their creations. French Montana brings a beginning activity that will affect artists to advance boundaries the way crypto is blame boundaries in all aspects of today’s world.” – Fuming C., Head of Business Development at Radio Caca, told Bitcoinist.

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It is one of the actual aboriginal projects to accept a affiliation like this with a rapper. The attendance of a superstar like French Montana brings added amount to the metaverse. This is apparent by the prices of absolute acreage prices activity up about allegorical rapper Snoop Dogg’s acreage in the metaverse.