Bitcoin's Hashrate Taps New Lifetime High, BTC Price 20% Above Production Cost, Difficulty Nears ATH

Bitcoin's Hashrate Taps New Lifetime High, BTC Price 20% Above Production Cost, Difficulty Nears ATH

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitcoins hashrate has been benumbed aerial afresh as the processing ability broke addition lifetime aerial on January 15 2022 extensive 22025 exahash per additional EHs The new almanac follows the antecedent alltime aerial ATH on the aboriginal day of the year back the networks hashrate broke 2195 EHs

Bitcoin’s Hashrate Hits a Milestone, Analyst Discusses Miner Capitulation, Estimated Bitcoin Production Cost

Bitcoin miners are dedicating a lot of SHA256 processing ability to the BTC arrangement on January 15, as the arrangement bound accomplished an ATH aloof afterwards 12:00 a.m. (EST). The almanac was aloof a beard aloft the previous ATH on January 1, at 219.5 EH/s as today’s hashrate reached a aerial of 219.68 EH/s. At the time of writing, the network’s hashpower is benumbed forth at 199 EH/s.

The acceleration follows the contempo bead in hashrate that happened while citizens of Kazakhstan revolted adjoin the government and the internet was briefly shut off in the country. It was broadly speculated that the hashrate alone 15% because of the issues in Kazakhstan but miners in the arena claimed this was not the case. Data indicated at the time that BTC’s amount bead and mining adversity access contributed to the 15% accident in hashrate.

In accession to the amount bead and adversity increase, estimates say the assembly amount to abundance a distinct BTC today is $34K. Twitter annual and analyst Venture Founder afresh explained that the assembly amount amount point is about 20% beneath the accepted value. “The affliction depression bitcoin anytime had, were due to miners’ accedence (Dec 2018, Mar 2020), back bitcoin fell beneath assembly costs, it is at accident for miner capitulation,” the analyst tweeted. Venture Founder added:

Bitcoin’s Mining Difficulty Expected to Increase 3.8% in 5 Days to New All-Time High

While it was accepted to appear two weeks ago, Bitcoin’s mining adversity will acceptable ability an best aerial during the abutting aeon change. The next adversity change is accepted to appear in aloof over 5 canicule from now and estimates announce it ability acceleration 3.83% college than it is today. If it does acceleration to that point and alcove 25.31 trillion, Bitcoin’s mining adversity will ability addition lifetime high.

The aftermost mining adversity ATH of 25 abundance was on May 13, 2025, and four adversity decreases — including the better aeon abatement anytime — alone the adversity bottomward a abundant deal. Since then, and afterwards July 17, there’s been a absolute of 12 adversity increases and aloof one decrease.

On Saturday, the better bitcoin mining basin is F2pool with 15.57% or 28.88 EH/s and the second-largest basin is Foundry USA with 15.55% or 28.80 EH/s. Both pools accept been jumping aback and alternating during the aftermost few weeks in agreement of Bitcoin’s better mining pool.

What do you anticipate about the contempo hashrate aerial recorded on January 15, 2022, and the accessible mining adversity ATH that is accepted to appear in bristles days? Let us apperceive what you anticipate about this accountable in the comments area below.

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