THELOGICALINDIAN - The Shanghaibased online bold abettor The9 Limited has appear the aggregation is planning to access 2025 Canaan Avalonminers for over 6 actor in a banal accord The9s bounden announcement of compassionate MOU explains that the new units will accord the aggregation 01 exahash of bitcoin hashpower
On April 9, the publicly-listed gaming and internet aggregation The9 Limited (Nasdaq: NCTY) appear the firm’s intentions to access 2,000 bitcoin (BTC) miners. The new miners will accord the aggregation a absolute hashrate of about 100 PH/s or 0.1 exahash (EH/s) of processing power.
According to the announcement, The9 entered into a accurately bounden announcement of compassionate (MOU) with an “unrelated bitcoin mining apparatus owner.” The machines will be exchanged for Class A accustomed shares.
The9 said that the close will affair about 8,127,390 shares based on the allotment amount of about $24.81. But during the abutting six months, the cardinal of shares could be reassessed.
But the new MOU is not the alone accord The9 has established. The aggregation additionally appear that it acquired 0.288 (EH/s) of hashpower. This accord took abode back the aggregation active absolute agreements for 12,246 bitcoin mining rigs.
The advertisement does not acknowledge whether or not the 12,246 mining rigs are Canaan Avalonminer cast miners. That specific accord was additionally completed with allotment calculations and an arising acceding with a lock-up aeon of six months.
The9 is a actual able-bodied accepted gaming and internet close and for a actual continued time, The9 had an absolute authorization to accomplish and administer the acutely accepted bold World of Warcraft in China.
What do you anticipate about The9 purchasing 2,000 Avalonminers from an alien source? Let us apperceive what you anticipate about this accountable in the comments area below.
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