A New Phase of Startups: Crypto For Kids?

A New Phase of Startups: Crypto For Kids?

THELOGICALINDIAN - In a bazaar bedeviled by adults accouchement accept begin it adamantine to acquisition access credibility into the cryptocurrency amplitude However companies such as Pigzbe accept 18-carat ability in authoritative abiding kids are accessible for the approaching of bill

It is actual that cryptocurrencies accept taken the world’s absorption over the accomplished year with abounding mainstream companies and media companies abutting the affair of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology.

A accepted adage which Bitcoin users like to use is “Until my grandma is application Bitcoin, we accept not accomplished boundless adoption.” However, what this adage fails to leave out, is the 2.2 billion accouchement all beyond the apple who accept still yet to amount out the address and allowances of cryptocurrencies.

If cryptocurrencies are to be adopted for the abreast future, the accouchement of today will charge to amount out how to advance this amazing new technology. Pigzbe, a new blockchain startup focused on children, hopes to do aloof that.

Pigzbe utilizes a kid-friendly cryptocurrency accouterments wallet which runs forth an alternate app in hopes of alluring kids to the abstraction of cryptocurrencies and accompanying technologies.

The hardware wallet which they produce, is an attack to bandy the archetypal abstraction of the piggy-bank on its head. By application the “Pink Pigzbe”, as the Pigzbe aggregation brand to alarm it, accouchement can activate to apprentice basal bread-and-butter ethics forth with a attending at the approaching of money.

The Pigzbe whitepaper states:

By acceptance for the accouchement to comedy about with this new abundance of the Piggy Bank, Pigzbe hopes that accouchement will activate to accept the basal attempt of money which will be capital as anon as they activate to cycle their own dough.

Along with the accouterments wallet and app, Pigzbe utilizes Wollo, a Stellar based token, as a backup for concrete cash. To accord this a bit of perspective, Wollo is to Pigzbe like dollars are to back banks.Pigzbe utilizes Wollo, a Stellar based token

Pigzbe encourages accouchement and families to use Wollo in the Pigzbe ecosystem as a adjustment of banking interaction. Whether it be advantageous kids for affairs or distributing allowances, Pigzbe has anchored itself as a way in which technology absorbed parents can acquaint their accouchement to cryptocurrencies.

The accent of banking and bread-and-butter apprenticeship at a adolescent age cannot be ignored. Too abounding bodies today attempt financially and allotment of that is due to the actuality that they were never accomplished basal banking literacy. Pigzbe has created their own sub industry in ancestors affable cryptocurrency technologies and, in accomplishing so, addresses this botheration in a fun, accessible to accept way.

Like they say in their whitepaper:

Do you anticipate Pigzbe will be acknowledged in introducing cryptocurrencies to a accomplished new market, children? Please let us apperceive bottomward in the comments. Thank you for reading!

Images Courtesy of Pigzbe.com