Anonymous Hackers Claim to Have Breached Russian Payment Service Provider Qiwi

Anonymous Hackers Claim to Have Breached Russian Payment Service Provider Qiwi

THELOGICALINDIAN - A hacking accumulation affiliated to the Anonymous aggregate has allegedly hit the accepted Russian acquittal processor Qiwi Network Battalion 65 appear on amusing media it had managed to accretion admission to the platforms databases a affirmation the aggregation has denied

Anonymous Affiliate Hacks Russian Payment System Qiwi

Hackers from Network Battalion 65 (NB65), a accumulation affiliated to the decentralized hacktivist aggregate Anonymous, appear in a contempo tweet they had afraid Qiwi, which is a above provider of acquittal and banking casework in the Russian Federation and added countries in the post-Soviet space.

A bulletin acquaint by the @xxNB65 Twitter annual addendum that the group, which includes the Qiwi acquittal system, Qiwi Bank, the Contact money alteration system, and added platforms, additionally offers the best broadly acclimated acquittal app in Russia — that actuality the capital acumen why it was targeted.

The declared perpetrators of the advance say they accept encrypted Qiwi’s networks with a ransomware kit. NB65 additionally claims it has the acclaim agenda abstracts of about 12.5 actor of the company’s clients, as able-bodied as about 30 actor acquittal records.

“We will absolution 1 actor annal anniversary day afterwards your 3 day arrangement aeon has expired. You should apparently ability out to us anon if you appetite your business to survive,” the hackers accept warned, abacus that if there’s addition to accusation for the situation, that’s Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Moscow launched a aggressive advance on adjoining Ukraine in backward February and Anonymous vowed to agitate Russia’s internet amplitude in acknowledgment to the invasion. The accumulation has back targeted the websites of the Kremlin, the State Duma, and the Defense Ministry, attacked Russian TV channels, and appear millions of emails. In March, the aggregate said it had published 28GB of Bank of Russia documents.

The authors of the NB65 cheep acknowledgment that Qiwi said in a contempo columnist absolution the sanctions aimed at Russia’s banking arrangement had not afflicted its business. Following the account of the Anonymous attack, Qiwi was quoted by Tass as advertence that its acquittal casework are operating commonly and insisting its customers’ claimed advice was safe.

Do you apprehend to see added hacking attempts targeting Russian acquittal platforms? Tell us in the comments area below.

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