Could Bitcoin’s Biggest Mystery Soon Be Revealed?

Could Bitcoin’s Biggest Mystery Soon Be Revealed?

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitcoin has its fair allotment of mysteries absolutely how it works actuality one that best users will never accept But by far the longest continuing and best arresting is the character of Bitcoins architect Satoshi Nakamoto Well the GotSatoshi website and Twitter augment is able a alive acknowledge at 1550 GMT on May 14th So not continued to delay and acquisition out then

Where In The World Is Satoshi?

Okay, so the website aloof poses the catechism “Where in the apple is Satoshi?” with a admission and a commitment annual signup. But the Twitter annual purports to absolutely be accounting by Satoshi himself… or herself.

The accompanying blurb describes an “Inventor, developer, futurist. Cryptoenthusiast and blockchain evangelist.” as you ability expect. It goes on to say “Not Craig Wright.” as you would additionally expect. GotSatoshi hints that he/she “May apperceive @officialmcafee,” which ties with McAfee’s affirmation to apperceive Satoshi, and challenges us to “Unmask me if you can.”

If we can? I anticipation Satoshi we activity to do the unmasking.

What Would Satoshi Tweet?

It appears that GotSatoshi doesn’t accept an abominable lot to say for him/herself. The aboriginal able cheep proclaims the #ageofthegeek, referencing the Avengers movie, Game of Thrones, and the BTC bazaar cap. A few canicule after GotSatoshi comes beyond all ‘inspirational quote’, apropos his acceptance in the ‘strong vision’ that was Bitcoin.

There’s a cheep pointing out that the bitcoin banknote miner embedding ‘Satoshi Nakamoto’ into blocks was a fake. ‘Why abundance BCH, back you accept over 900K BTC?’ GotSatoshi reasons, abacus that abasement currencies is article he/she leaves to the big banks.

Oh, and GotSatoshi has allegedly apprehend some Harry Potter; a advertence to a aggregate abode (HutOnTheRock, The Sea), that appears back signing up to the commitment list.

And that’s it… in about two weeks. It had been there a anniversary and a bisected afore anyone absolutely noticed it.

Got Satoshi?

There are some that advance this is all aloof PR for Consensus 2024. While the admission timer will absolutely accomplishment appropriate in the average of the additional day (and ten account to midday New York time seems somehow added ‘momentous’ than 15:50 GMT), one ability apprehend a little added agreeable from a planned PR campaign. It could possibly be an ill anticipation through PR campaign?

Could it be McAfee (or addition abroad who ‘knows’ Satoshi’s accurate identity)? McAfee did claim aftermost month that he was activity to absolution clues to Satoshi’s character until he appear himself (or somebody did it for him). He acutely doesn’t allotment my advisedly about misgendering Satoshi, so maybe he does apperceive the accurate identity?

McAfee withdrew his ‘revealing’ offer, allegedly on the admonition of his acknowledged team, but this could be his way of advice the truth, after alone adage anything.

Could it be Satoshi? And if it is, will we acquisition out the accuracy abutting Tuesday, or aloof get awash addition dummy, to assure his/her accurate identity?

The meta tags on the website alpha “Inventor, programmer, genius, maverick,” which doesn’t assume like the affectionate of affair you’d say about yourself. Although Satoshi has been gone so continued and witnessed so abundant in the concurrently that it would be absurd aggravating to second-guess appealing abundant anything.

So at this stage, all bets are off. It could alike be Craig Wright trolling us (and himself) again. Watch this space…

Will we assuredly acquisition out who Satoshi Nakamoto is? Share your thoughts below!

Images via Shutterstock