Bitcoin ETFs Will ‘Remain Rejected’ Despite SEC Review, Says Analyst

Bitcoin ETFs Will ‘Remain Rejected’ Despite SEC Review, Says Analyst

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitcoin exchangetraded funds will abide alone admitting US regulators acclimation a analysis into why it alone one of them a bazaar analyst anticipation August 27

In account comments on cryptocurrency and acceptable markets, Mati Greenspan, Senior Market Analyst at amusing trading belvedere eToro, declared the accommodation to attending into the US Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) bounce of the Winklevoss ETF “largely a procedural protest.”

As Bitcoinist reported beforehand this month, it was Hester Peirce, the SEC abettor accepted by her appellation ‘Crypto Mom,’ who ordered the review, claiming there was “no acumen not to allow” it.

Independent of the Winklevoss brothers’ fortunes, however, Greenspan considers it absurd that the added nine applications the SEC rejected aftermost anniversary would face agnate dissent.

“Unfortunately, it does assume that the 9 will absolutely abide alone and that Hester was alone afterward protestful agreement by acclimation the review. We’ll abide to watch for updates in this space,” he said.

As the authoritative beating on ETFs rolls on, cryptocurrency association and industry affect are evolving rapidly.

In July, account that adapted cryptocurrency trading ecosystem Bakkt would barrage afore the end of 2025 sparked a beachcomber of absolute affect over the instrument, article which acclaimed abstracts accept back scrutinized.

Andreas Antonopoulos, Nick Szabo, and others accept accurate analytical perspectives on ETFs, the above highlighting the abrogating appulse of careful institutional advance cartage on Bitcoin’s abiding reputation.

One the face of it, it may assume like the SEC is dabbling about and aggravating to account issues but in reality, it ability be the opposite.

Greenspan, too, appeared to acrylic ETFs as a alloyed blessing.

“A bitcoin backed ETF is not necessarily a defining moment for crypto but it could potentially advice put a basal on prices,” he summarized.

Elsewhere, eToro additionally acclaimed an accretion alternation amid the behavior of crypto and authorization markets.

“…As investors, we (must) abide to carefully watch what’s accident in the added markets in adjustment to accept the ambience of the movements in the crypto market,” Greenspan said.

What do you anticipate about Mati Greenspan’s angle on the Bitcoin ETFs? Let us apperceive in the comments below!

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