Bitcoin Fraud Suspect Alexander Vinnik Extradited To Russia

Bitcoin Fraud Suspect Alexander Vinnik Extradited To Russia

THELOGICALINDIAN - Greeces Supreme Court has accustomed the displacement of Alexander Vinnik to Russia Some anticipate he ability additionally accept admired advice for US Special Counsel Robert Mueller as he investigates declared Russian acclamation meddling

Alexander Vinnik was already a man with two lives.

He was said to be one of the people abaft the BTC-e exchange. He was additionally the declared administrator abaft a arrangement that saw billions of dollars apple-pie through Bitcoin transactions.

Vinnik was arrested aftermost July in Greece, and added allegations at the time declared he had bitcoins that ability be traceable to the 2013 Mt. Gox hack. The BTC-e barter was later taken down by the FBI in July.

Now, reports are saying the Supreme Court of Greece has called to abandon Vinnik, a Russian citizen, aback to his home country. The cardinal is accepted to clearly become accessible on September 14.

The accommodation about what to do with Vinnik has not necessarily been an accessible one. The United States, Russia, and France anniversary fabricated a affirmation for his displacement and fabricated it actual bright they would not be admiring to see him go about else.

Vinnik has been bedfast in Greece back his arrest. He afresh told a anchorman how he had no complaints apropos his time in prison, but in May, law administration reportedly thwarted an assassination attempt that was purportedly activity to action through poisoning.

In cloister on September 4, Vinnik was bright that he “did not admit these affected charges” and bidding aplomb that Russia would bright the air about his accusable cachet back “there is no justice” in France and the United States.

Russia was decidedly agog not to accept Vinnik extradited elsewhere, aggressive backfire if he went to France or the United States.

Some anticipate Russia’s apropos about Vinnik activity to the United States could accept article to do about his connection with a hacking unit that has been targeted by U.S. Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

According to assay close Elliptic, BTC-e allegedly facilitated some bitcoins that were associated with a hacking accumulation alleged Fancy Bear.

This was one of the names of the aggressive admiral that accept been targeted by Mueller for allegedly burglary and absolution emails of those in the Democratic Party.

Attorney Arkady Bukh told Bloomberg how Vinnik, if in the easily of U.S. officials, ability be able to accord them admired insights about acquaintance advice and coffer accounts associated to declared Russian hacking.

BTC-e and Alexander Vinnik

So far, there is no assured affirmation Fancy Bear got Bitcoins anon from BTC-e, but Elliptic’s Chief Date Officer, Tom Robinson, explains how there’s a “strong articulation amid abundant of the funds.”

U.S. admiral adduce Vinnik and BTC-e fabricated it accessible for abyss to acquit funds back the barter did not absolutely vet customers.

Information from Mueller includes a breakdown of how Russian aggressive intelligence admiral allegedly conducted affairs through cryptocurrency exchanges to buy server time in adjustment to backpack out attacks.

What do you anticipate about the displacement of Alexander Vinnik? Let us apperceive in the comments! 

Image address of Shutterstock, Twitter.