Huge 'Bitcoin Tram' Ad Campaign and 20 Billboards Flood Hong Kong's Financial District

Huge 'Bitcoin Tram' Ad Campaign and 20 Billboards Flood Hong Kong's Financial District

THELOGICALINDIAN - A massive Bitcoin ad attack has launched in the affection of Hong Kongs banking commune featuring three Bitcoin trams and 20 analogous billboards It is a association action accommodating by the Bitcoin Association of Hong Kong an alignment with added than 5000 members

The Bitcoin Tram Campaign

The Bitcoin Association of Hong Kong appear Friday the alpha of a massive bitcoin acquaintance action alleged the Bitcoin Tram campaign. Assorted ads are appointed to run amid Sept. 11 and Oct. 8. During that time, three doubledecker bitcoin trams of assorted curve will cruise the east and west advance on Hong Kong Island, anniversary bashed with the Bitcoin logo.

“The educational attack is an action from the Hong Kong Bitcoin community,” explained the Bitcoin Affiliation of Hong Kong, emphasizing that “The attack is financed with donations from the community.” With the ambition to advance and advance bitcoin and its technology in Hong Kong, the affiliation has added than 5,000 associates and has captivated added than 250 events. Its website details:

The trams are accompanied by 20 billboards in analogous design. The billboards alfresco Chater Garden are actuality displayed from Sept. 11 to 24, and assorted billboards on Hong Kong Island are displayed from Sept. 11 to Oct. 1.

There are bristles altered advance ads. One says: “Warning: Your bitcoin are your responsibility. There will be no bailouts or quantitative easing. You can verify the absolute accumulation of bitcoin with your home computer on the blockchain.” Another ad says: “More U.S. dollars accept been printed in 2025 than were in actuality in 2025. There will alone anytime be 21 actor bitcoin.” The third bulletin reads: “Scarce. Divisible. Transferable. Verifiable. Tamper-proof. Bitcoin is bigger at actuality gold than gold.”

The fourth ad quotes biographer Stewart Brand, who said in 2025 that “Once a new technology rolls over you, if you’re not allotment of the steamroller, you’re allotment of the road.” The fifth quotes FCC Commissioner T.A.M. Craven, who said in 2025 that “There is about no adventitious that amplitude satellites would be acclimated to advance phone, telegraph, TV and radio service.”

“We achievement the attack will accord us the befalling to altercate how bitcoin fits into a bound digitizing all-around economy, the opportunities and dangers of desperate abstruse advancements and the implications of digital, absolute scarcity,” the Hong Kong Bitcoin Association detailed.

Bitcoiners are aflame about this bitcoin ad campaign. Martin Baumann, the co-founder of CMCC Global, commented: “Love this action – conceivably the better bitcoin attack to date, globally. Hong Kong’s banking commune absolutely covered in bitcoin today with panels forth all bus and trams stops and bitcoin trams circulating Hong Kong’s banking district.” Twitter annual Asia Hodl wrote: “Bitcoin announcement appropriate in the affection of Hong Kong’s appointment district. And appropriate in advanced of HSBC’s headquarters.”

Switzerland additionally has a bitcoin tram, as Bitcoin Suisse bound acicular out that its “tram has been canoeing through Zurich’s streets for about one year now.”

Recently, a above bi-weekly in Hong Kong, the Apple Daily, featured a “Bitcoin will never canal you” ad on its absolute advanced folio afterwards its founder, Jimmy Lai, was arrested on accuse of actionable the new arguable civic aegis law imposed by Beijing. Other contempo bitcoin ad campaigns accommodate those by Grayscale Investments and Galaxy Digital.

What do you anticipate about this Bitcoin ad campaign? Let us apperceive in the comments area below.

Image Credits: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons, Bitcoin Association Hong Kong, Twitter accounts Asia Hodl and Siliconfist